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UE1:Tracer (UT)

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UT Object >> Actor >> Projectile >> Tracer
This class in other games:
RTNP, U1, UT2003, UT2004, U2XMP

A tracer projectile that doesn't do any damage. This is not actually used in the game. See MTracer for the tracer projectile of the UT minigun class minigun2.

Default values

Property Value
AmbientGlow 130
bUnlit True
LifeSpan 3.0
MaxSpeed 10000.0
Mesh LodMesh'UnrealI.TracerM'
RemoteRole ROLE_SimulatedProxy
Speed 10000.0




event PostBeginPlay ()

Overrides: Actor.PostBeginPlay

Sets the velocity to the Rotation direction and Speed magnitude.

Other instance functions


simulated function ProcessTouch (Actor Other, Object.Vector HitLocation)

Overrides: Projectile.ProcessTouch

Destroys the tracer if the touching actor is not the tracer's Instigator.