UE2:CustomHUDMenuAssault defaults (UT2004)

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site

;Other member categories for this class::

Default values

Property Value
b_Cancel GUIButton'CancelButton'
b_OK GUIButton'OKButton'
b_Reset GUIButton'ResetButton'
WindowName "Assault HUD Configuration"
WinHeight 0.824065
WinLeft 0.140625
WinTop 0.072917
WinWidth 0.690941



Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
Caption "Cancel"
Hint "Click to close this menu, discarding changes."
OnClick UT2K4CustomHUDMenu.InternalOnClick
TabOrder 8
WinHeight 0.052944
WinLeft 0.496436
WinTop 0.792153
WinWidth 0.139474


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bAutoSizeCaption True
Caption "Show Full Indicators"
CaptionWidth 0.1
ComponentJustification TXTA_Center
Hint "Draw Indicators when Objective is behind player."
LabelJustification TXTA_Left
OnChange InternalOnChange
TabOrder 5
WinLeft 0.024219
WinTop 0.6
WinWidth 0.45


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox


Class: XInterface.GUISectionBackground

Property Value
Caption "Misc."
WinHeight 0.402735
WinLeft 0.171485
WinTop 0.372135
WinWidth 0.630273


Class: XInterface.GUISectionBackground

Property Value
Caption "Objectives"
WinHeight 0.229493
WinLeft 0.171485
WinTop 0.122136
WinWidth 0.631835


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bAutoSizeCaption True
Caption "Objective Reminder Announcer"
CaptionWidth 0.1
ComponentJustification TXTA_Center
Hint "Remind objective goals at respawn."
LabelJustification TXTA_Left
OnChange InternalOnChange
TabOrder 6
WinHeight 0.072727
WinTop 0.75
WinWidth 0.45


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
Caption "OK"
Hint "Click to close this menu, saving changes."
OnClick UT2K4CustomHUDMenu.InternalOnClick
TabOrder 9
WinHeight 0.052944
WinLeft 0.640437
WinTop 0.792153
WinWidth 0.139474


Class: XInterface.moNumericEdit

Property Value
bAutoSizeCaption True
Caption "Objective Update Time"
CaptionWidth 0.7
ComponentJustification TXTA_Right
ComponentWidth 0.3
Hint "Number of seconds current Objective will be highlighted."
LabelJustification TXTA_Left
MaxValue 99
MinValue 0
OnChange InternalOnChange
TabOrder 3
WinLeft 0.517383
WinTop 0.3
WinWidth 0.45


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
Caption "Defaults"
Hint "Restore all settings to their default value."
OnClick UT2K4CustomHUDMenu.InternalOnClick
TabOrder 7
WinHeight 0.052944
WinLeft 0.288892
WinTop 0.792153
WinWidth 0.139474


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bAutoSizeCaption True
Caption "Objective Reticles"
CaptionWidth 0.1
ComponentJustification TXTA_Center
Hint "Draw Objective tracking indicators."
LabelJustification TXTA_Left
OnChange InternalOnChange
TabOrder 0
WinLeft 0.024219
WinTop 0.2
WinWidth 0.45


Class: XInterface.moSlider

Property Value
bAutoSizeCaption True
bIntSlider False
Caption "Objective Indicators Scale"
CaptionWidth 0.1
ComponentJustification TXTA_Right
Hint "Size scale of on HUD Objective Indicators."
LabelJustification TXTA_Left
MaxValue 4.0
MinValue 0.0
OnChange InternalOnChange
TabOrder 1
WinLeft 0.024219
WinTop 0.4
WinWidth 0.45


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bAutoSizeCaption True
Caption "Show 3D Arrow"
CaptionWidth 0.1
ComponentJustification TXTA_Center
Hint "Draw 3D Objective tracking arrow."
LabelJustification TXTA_Left
OnChange InternalOnChange
TabOrder 4
WinLeft 0.024219
WinTop 0.45
WinWidth 0.45


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bAutoSizeCaption True
Caption "Enable Willow Whisp"
CaptionWidth 0.1
ComponentJustification TXTA_Center
Hint "Enable particle trail, showing path to objective."
LabelJustification TXTA_Left
OnChange InternalOnChange
TabOrder 7
WinLeft 0.024219
WinTop 0.6
WinWidth 0.45