UE2:UT2K4SP_Message (UT2004)

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UT2004 Object >> GUI >> GUIComponent >> GUIMultiComponent >> GUIPage >> UT2K4GUIPage >> UT2K4SP_Message

General message page, to display "welcome" and "congrats" messages

Written by Michiel Hendriks (c) 2003, 2004, Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved



Type: GUIButton

Modifiers: automated

Default value: GUIButton'SPMbtnClock'


Type: GUIButton

Modifiers: automated

Default value: GUIButton'SPMbtnOk'


Type: GUIImage

Modifiers: automated

Default value: GUIImage'SPMimgBackground'


Type: GUIImage

Modifiers: automated


Type: GUIImage

Modifiers: automated


Type: int

Used to play back the correct sound


Type: string

Array size: 11

Modifiers: localized

subtitle to display, use | as line seperator

Default value, index 0: "The Liandri Corporation's Unreal Tournament enters its twelfth year as a legally sanctioned competition.|This year's tournament is the most highly anticipated yet, with teams captained by highly regarded former champions Malcolm, Gorge, and the long absent Xan Kriegor, as well as a dangerous team from the Skaarj Empire.|Before you can enter the Tournament proper, you must first defeat other hopefuls in the qualifying rounds."

Default value, index 10: "Victory is yours! Today you enter the immortal pantheon of Tournament Champions."

Default value, index 11: "Your success in the preliminary rounds has convinced your sponsor to fund a team with you as captain.|Once you have drafted your team, you must defeat them in a free-for-all deathmatch to demonstrate your worthiness as leader."

Default value, index 12: "The team has accepted you as their captain.|All that remains before reaching the tournament is to lead them through the team qualifying rounds.|You will be facing Sun Blade, Super Nova, and the new Goliath team of Juggernauts, also seeking to qualify for the Tournament."

Default value, index 13: "Your team has now qualified for the Tournament.|You must advance to the top of all four ladders to qualify for the Tournament Finals.|Initially, only the Double Domination ladder is available to you."

Default value, index 14: "Due to your success in the Double Domination ladder, the Capture the Flag ladder is now available to you."

Default value, index 15: "Due to your success in the Capture the Flag ladder, the Bombing Run ladder is now available to you."

Default value, index 16: "Due to your success in the Bombing Run ladder, the Assault ladder is now available to you."

Default value, index 17: "The Skaarj disposed of all other competitors on their way to this year's finals.|In reaction to their surprising defeat in the ladder at your hands, they have brought in their Clan Lord to reinforce the team.|The Clan Lord is like no Skaarj you have ever faced."

Default value, index 18: "Malcolm is back, and his return transforms Thunder Crash.|They defeated all the other contestants without their great champion.|His return would seem to make their ultimate victory certain."

Default value, index 19: "The Corrupt have done the bidding of their master, Xan Kriegor, and advanced to the Tournament finals.|Now Xan enters the fray, and your previous success against The Corrupt is rendered meaningless."


Type: string

Array size: 11

Modifiers: localized

subtitle delay per line, use | as line seperator note: multiply the timing with 1.1 to get the correct timing

Default value, index 0: "6.4119|14.8049|99"

Default value, index 10: "99"

Default value, index 11: "6.4471|99"

Default value, index 12: "2.6257|5.7838|99"

Default value, index 13: "2.9667|5.1766|99"

Default value, index 14: "99"

Default value, index 15: "99"

Default value, index 16: "99"

Default value, index 17: "4.7696|7.5625|99"

Default value, index 18: "3.7642|3.9952|99"

Default value, index 19: "5.511|99"


Type: float


Type: GUISubtitleText

Modifiers: automated

Default value: GUISubtitleText'SPPsbText'


Type: string

Array size: 11

Default value, index 0: "LadderShots.ChampionshipShot"

Default value, index 10: "LadderShots.DOMMoneyShot"

Default value, index 11: "LadderShots.BRMoneyShot"

Default value, index 12: "LadderShots.TeamDMMoneyShot"

Default value, index 13: "LadderShots.DOMShot"

Default value, index 14: "LadderShots.CTFShot"

Default value, index 15: "LadderShots.BRShot"

Default value, index 16: "LadderShots.TeamDMShot"

Default value, index 17: "LadderShots.DOMMoneyShot"

Default value, index 18: "LadderShots.DOMMoneyShot"

Default value, index 19: "LadderShots.DOMMoneyShot"


Type: Sound

Array size: 11

Default value, index 0: Sound'AnnouncerFemale2K4.SinglePlayer_1'

Default value, index 10: Sound'AnnouncerFemale2K4.SinglePlayer_6'

Default value, index 11: Sound'AnnouncerFemale2K4.SinglePlayer_2'

Default value, index 12: Sound'AnnouncerFemale2K4.SinglePlayer_3'

Default value, index 13: Sound'AnnouncerFemale2K4.SinglePlayer_4a'

Default value, index 14: Sound'AnnouncerFemale2K4.SinglePlayer_4b'

Default value, index 15: Sound'AnnouncerFemale2K4.SinglePlayer_4c'

Default value, index 16: Sound'AnnouncerFemale2K4.SinglePlayer_4d'

Default value, index 17: Sound'AnnouncerFemale2K4.SinglePlayer_5a'

Default value, index 18: Sound'AnnouncerFemale2K4.SinglePlayer_5b'

Default value, index 19: Sound'AnnouncerFemale2K4.SinglePlayer_5c'

Default values

Property Value
OnClose RestoreMusicVolume
WinHeight 1.0
WinTop 0.0



Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
bVisible False
Caption "Clock"
FontScale FNS_Small
OnClick OnClockClick
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.8
WinTop 0.95
WinWidth 0.2


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
bVisible False
Caption "OK"
FontScale FNS_Small
OnClick btnOkOnClick
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.401563
WinTop 0.95
WinWidth 0.2


Class: XInterface.GUIImage

Property Value
bVisible True
Image Material'2K4Menus.Controls.thinpipe_f'
ImageRenderStyle MSTY_Normal
ImageStyle ISTY_Scaled
RenderWeight 0.1
WinHeight 1.0
WinLeft 0.0
WinTop 0.0
WinWidth 1.0
X1 0
X2 1023
Y1 0
Y2 767


Class: XInterface.GUISubtitleText

Property Value
Member Value
A 128
B 255
G 255
R 255
HilightOffsetX 1.0
HilightOffsetY 1.0
Member Value
A 196
B 0
G 0
R 0
ShadowOffsetX 1.0
ShadowOffsetY 1.0
StyleName ""
Member Value
A 225
B 0
G 200
R 255
TextFont "UT2SmallHeaderFont"
VertAlign TXTA_Right
WinHeight 0.20625
WinLeft 0.02
WinTop 0.781667
WinWidth 0.96




event ChangeHint (string NewHint)

Overrides: GUIPage.ChangeHint


event HandleParameters (string Param1, string Param2)

Overrides: GUIPage.HandleParameters


event Timer ()

Overrides: GUIComponent.Timer

Other instance functions


function bool btnOkOnClick (GUIComponent Sender)


function GotoSinglePlayerMenu ()


function bool NotifyLevelChange ()

Overrides: GUIPage.NotifyLevelChange


function bool OnClockClick (GUIComponent Sender)


function RestoreMusicVolume (bool bCancelled)