User:Eliot: Difference between revisions

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Eliot (talk | contribs)
TechTexPackage info, MutNoAutoFire features explained etc
Eliot (talk | contribs)
Added description for AccessPlus(An admin utility)
(20 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Welcome to my personal page, if you don't know me yet, well to begin my name is '''Eliot Van Uytfanghe''' usually playing with my real name '''Eliot''', and i have been playing the [[Unreal Tournament]] series since [[UT]] Classic, i also have made maps and [[mutator]]s for several years including some widely used mutators for [[UT2004]] listed below!.  
Welcome to Eliot's UnrealWiki page. I'm known for the Trials community modding work that I've done for Unreal Tournament 2004.  

Since nov 27 2009, i have started to make some programs with C# for the purpose of learning [[wp:C#|C#]] and making myself more familiar with the [[Unreal Engine]] file formats, starting with '''Unreal Explorer''' this program has multiple utilities such as a Color Generator with preview, Cache Extractor and best of all a decompiler(has a lot of features) that supports [[UT]], [[UT2004]], [[UT3]], ''Borderlands'', ''Mirrors Edge'' and [[UDK]] etc.
This page is a collection of UT2004 mods I have made or contributed.
; ''Website'': [] - Resume, Blog, Forum, and Portfolio
; ''Forum'': ''Eliot'' on [ Epic Games Forums]

'''[[User:Eliot/LevelConfigManager|LevelConfigManager]]''' ''(2006-2009)''[ Download](w/source)<sup>UT2004</sup>
<div style="background-color: #fefefe; border:1px solid #ededed; margin-top: 8px;">
:'''Description''' A [[UnrealEd]] Mutator allowing you to modify the map gameplay to your choice.
<h5 style="margin-left:10px;">
:'''Comment''' This is a very often used [[UE2:Mutator_(UT2004)|mutator]] in Assault Trial maps and is usually a must use today, mainly because of the '''DefaultWeapons''' feature.
'''[[User:Eliot/LevelConfigManager|LevelConfigManager]]''' ''(2006-2009)''<sup>UT2004</sup>
:An [[UnrealEd]] Mutator allowing you to modify the map gameplay to your choice.
:'''Comment:''' This is a very often used [[UE2:Mutator (UT2004)|mutator]] in Assault Trial maps and is usually a must use today; mainly because of the '''DefaultWeapons''' feature.
:'''Download:''' [](w/''source'')
<div style="background-color: #fefefe; border:1px solid #ededed; margin-top: 8px;">
<h5 style="margin-left:10px;">
'''[[User:Eliot/MutNoAutoFire|MutNoAutoFire]]''' ''(2006-2009)''(w/source)<sup>UT2004</sup>
:Replaces those annoying ShieldGun's that auto fire when being close to a player of your team, '''Note''':Replaces the [[UE2:Pawn (UT2004)|pawn]] class if it is [[UE2:xPawn (UT2004)|xpawn]] or UTComp_Pawn, will not function properly if other mutators replacing the pawn class are running!

'''MutNoAutoFire''' ''(2006-2009)''(w/source)<sup>UT2004</sup>
:'''Comment:''' This is a very often used mutator in Assault Trial servers because this [[UE2:Mutator (UT2004)|mutator]] fixes common exploits of the game such as [[UE2:Mover (UT2004)|movers]] not moving anymore in some cases and as well kills people that try to glitch through idling [[UE2:Mover (UT2004)|movers]](such as non-complex doors), this [[UE2:Mutator (UT2004)|mutator]] as well lets you configure the color of the [[UE2:ShieldGun (UT2004)|ShieldGun]] and let you choose your own suicide message and many more.
:'''Description''' Replaces those annoying shieldgun's that auto fire when coming near a player of your team, '''Note''':Replaces the [[UE2:Pawn_(UT2004)|pawn]] class if it is [[UE2:xPawn_(UT2004)|xpawn]] or UTComp_Pawn, will not function properly if other mutators replacing the pawn class are running!.
:'''Comment''' This is a very often used mutator in Assault Trial servers because this [[UE2:Mutator_(UT2004)|mutator]] fixes common exploits of the game such as [[UE2:Mover_(UT2004)|movers]] not moving anymore in some cases and as well kills people that try to glitch through idling [[UE2:Mover_(UT2004)|movers]](such as non-complex doors), this [[UE2:Mutator_(UT2004)|mutator]] as well lets you configure the color of the [[UE2:ShieldGun_(UT2004)|ShieldGun]] and let you choose your own suicide message and many more.
:'''Features/Fixes''' ''MNAF'' provides a lot of features and fixes for the trials community, here's some of them.
::'''Pawn Related'''
:::'''Animation fixes'''<sup>.:..:</sup> i.e. all animations are now played on the client side as well some gibbing fixes.
:::'''Fading Skins'''<sup>.:..:</sup>, other pawns that are near this Pawn will be fading depending on the distance.
:::'''Mover glitch fix'''<sup>.:..:, Eliot</sup> i.e. forces a suicide if a player is detected to be inside a mover(this was abused by players to glitch through doors blocking levels in trial maps).
:::'''Custom Suicide Message'''<sup>Eliot, .:..:</sup>, the ability to set your own suicide message by using the console command '''SetSuicideMessage''' ''%o OMFG packetloss!.'' a '''GetCurrentSuicideMsg''' command is also available to copy your current suicide message to the clipboard.
:::'''Custom Drowning Damage'''<sup>Eliot</sup>, the ability to change the damage of drowning to none or less/more.
:::''''Anti-TeamKilling'''<sup>Eliot</sup>, players could teamkill by shooting a grenade(etc) aimed to a team mate and then switch from team which will make the fired projectile harmful to the team mate, this is fixed by canceling the fire state of player before he switches the team, also all inventory classes and all remaining projectiles that belong to the player are destroyed!.
:::''''Anti-MultiDodge hacks'''<sup>Eliot</sup>, players were able to use MD hacks to dodge multiple times while in air to cheat trial maps as well dodge with no delay, this has been fixed by putting a server side check on ''DoubleClickDir'' and implementing a server side delay time(false positives are possible, especially with higher ping).
:::''''Landing sound fix'''<sup>Eliot</sup>, sometimes the landing sound of players wasn't played at all, this is now fixed though if the surface doesn't have a sound applied it is possible to not hear any landing sound which is quite annoying for trial players when they are trying to time their dodges perfectly.
:::''''SJ and the SWD shieldjump combination'''<sup>Eliot</sup> used to overwrite the cool animations of characters after doing like Shield Fire + Jump at the same this is because the damage animation was overwriting the cool animation, this is fixed by disabling the damage animation(it was kinda ugly anyway), this can be undone by using the console command '''TogglePlayDirectionalHit'''.
:::''''Default Weapon'''<sup>Eliot</sup>, the pawn class also tries to make the '''shieldgun''' weapon to be default selected weapon, by default the '''assaultrifle''' is selected by some code implement inside the gun(online only), however sometimes(depending on ping) the ''shieldgun'' is selected and because people usually want the ''shieldgun'' being the default selected weapon, it got really annoying as it slows down your speedrun, to fix this the Pawn class tries to make the ''shieldgun'' to be always the default selected weapon however this feature does not work perfectly(ping depend) but still increases the chance.
::'''ShieldGun Related'''
:::'''Customize the ShieldGun's Color'''<sup>.:..:, Eliot</sup>, the color of the '''ShieldGun''' skin(green) can be set by using the console command '''SetShieldColor''' ''(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255)'' i.e. white, an options menu is also available to customize the color by using sliders, to access this use '''ShieldMenu''', '''ShieldGunMenu''', '''MNAFMenu''' or '''SGMenu'''.
:::'''Auto-Fire fix'''<sup>.:..:, Eliot</sup>, when charging with the original ''shieldgun'' and if an team mate comes very close to you then the ''shieldgun'' would automatic release and so thus ruining your speedrun especially when a room is very crowed, this is fixed by making the automatic feature to only work against non-team mates.
:::'''Reflection Sound fix'''<sup>Eliot</sup>, the original ''shieldgun'' plays a sound whenever reflection is triggered(Alt-Fire) however this sound does not work online, this is fixed.
:::'''Alt-Fire Sound fix'''<sup>Eliot</sup>, the original ''shieldgun'' was meant to play a sound when the shield(Alt-Fire) was activate, this is fixed now offline and online.
:::'''Fire Timing'''<sup>Eliot</sup>, the ''MNAF'' ''shieldgun'' adds two new features to time firing, 1. the crosshair color is gold when the ''shieldgun'' is ready to be fired, white if not, 2. if the aimed target is hittable then the crosshair color alpha will be 255, 70% less if not, this can be toggled by using the console command ''ToggleCrosshairColor''.
:::'''Alt-Fire Shield in Third-Person improvement'''<sup>.:..:</sup>, the original ''shieldgun'' shield rotation is only attached to the pawn's rotation, the ''MNAF'' ''shieldgun'' improves this by making the shield more accurate to the ''shieldgun'' location and rotation, improving the feel of playing with the ''shieldgun'' in third-person.
:::'''Primary-Fire Charging in Third-Person'''<sup>.:..:</sup>, the original charging effect is not visible to other players, this is fixed and now all players can see that you are charging the ''shieldgun''.
:::'''Misc''', there are several more small fixes and improvements done to the ''shieldgun'', such as the firing sound pitch/volume is adjusted to make the ''shieldgun'' feel more powerful for its momentum, the net priority and update frequency is also adjusted so that the ''shieldgun'' is updated more and feels better online especially for people with high ping.
:'''Credits''' [[User:.:..:|.:..:]] for contributing ideas and features.

'''MutBestTimes''' originally named as '''BTimesMute''' ''(2005-2010)''<sup>UT2004</sup>
:'''Credits:''' [[User:.:..:|.:..:]] for contributing ideas and features.
:'''Description''' Records Best MapTime completion, Player Rankings, Website stats([ Example]), Client Spawn and (Solo Trial mode, Group Trial mode support) and many more small features.
:'''Comment''' Private trials [[UE2:Mutator_(UT2004)|mutator]] for my favorite servers.
:'''Credits''' [[User:.:..:|.:..:]] he made the very first version/s''(2005-2006)'' of this mutator then retired, which i continued then''(2007-Present)'', [[User:Gugi|Gugi]] for fixing some iteration issue in the custom votinghandler that they experienced only on their server.

'''MutAccessPlus''' ''(2006)''<sup>UT2004</sup>
:'''Download:''' []
:'''Comment''' Private admin [[UE2:Mutator_(UT2004)|mutator]] for our ut2x server but now used by the public though there was never a official release. This mutator is made by [[User:.:..:|.:..:]], i only contributed to it because it was made for our server.

<div style="background-color: #fefefe; border:1px solid #ededed; margin-top: 8px;">
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'''[[User:Eliot/MutBestTimes|MutBestTimes]]''' ''(2005-2012)''<sup>UT2004</sup>
:Records Best MapTime completion, Player Rankings, Website stats([ Example]), Client Spawn and (Solo Trial mode, Group Trial mode support) and many more small features.
:'''Comment:''' Private trials [[UE2:Mutator (UT2004)|mutator]] for my favorite servers.
:'''Credits:''' [[User:.:..:|.:..:]] he made the very first version/s''(2005-2006)'' of this mutator then retired, which I continued then''(2007)'', [[User:Gugi|Gugi]] for fixing some iteration issue in the custom VotingHandler that they experienced only on their server.
:'''Stats:''' [ WebBTimes] An UnrealScript generated page displaying all map records on the web.
<div style="background-color: #fefefe; border:1px solid #ededed; margin-top: 8px;">
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'''[[User:Eliot/MutAccessPlus|AccessPlus]]''' ''(2006)''<sup>UT2004</sup>
:An administrator mutator. AccessPlus was an '''admin''' utility designed for the once called UT2X community server. AccessPlus was based on '''AdminPlus''', adding dozen more admin commands to manage your server.
:What made '''AccessPlus''' unique is that it keeps track of all players connecting to the server and each of his/her alias name, upon connecting every name ever used will be to displayed to the server players and admins. Additionally the server will alert when a player connecting is downloading a file directly from the server, which is useful because it is an indication that a file is not redirected, the file being downloaded will be messaged.
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'''MultiDodgeShieldGun''' ''(2007)''<sup>UT2004</sup>
'''MultiDodgeShieldGun''' ''(2007)''<sup>UT2004</sup>
:'''Description''' This gun is an extension of the modified shieldgun of ''MutNoAutoFire'', the difference is that whenever you hit a wall you will be able to dodge once again, the purpose of this is to make it possible for mappers to make more new and fresh trial maps for dedicated players.
:'''Comment''' This mod has a hardcoded depedency on a specific version of MutNoAutoFire, the version of this mod is equal to the mutator version it depends on.
:This gun is an extension of the modified ShieldGun of ''MutNoAutoFire'', the difference is that whenever you hit a wall you will be able to dodge once again, the purpose of this is to make it possible for mappers to make more new and fresh Trial maps for dedicated players.
:'''Credits''' .:..: for an replication issue and Lt.Ryan for the idea suggestion.

:'''Comment:''' This mod has a hardcoded dependency on a specific version of MutNoAutoFire; the version of this mod is equal to the mutator version it depends on.
:'''Credits:''' .:..: for an replication issue and Lt.Ryan for the idea suggestion.
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'''MutDodgeJump''' ''(2007)''(w/source)<sup>UT3</sup>
'''MutDodgeJump''' ''(2007)''(w/source)<sup>UT3</sup>
:'''Description''' Allows players to jump again after they have dodged once (optional).
:'''Comment''' MutDodgeJump was the first second mutator released for [[UT3]]. The mutator was very well accepted by the community however old-skool players from [[UT]] did not for obvious reasons.
:Allows players to jump again after they have dodged once (optional).
:'''Credits''' Mysterial for explaining some replication.
:'''Download Mirrors'''
:'''Comment:''' MutDodgeJump was the first second mutator released for [[UT3]]. The mutator was very well accepted by the community however old-skool players from [[UT]] did not for obvious reasons.
:: * [ Download from]
:: * [ Download from]
:'''Credits:''' Mysterial for explaining some replication.
:: * [ Download from #1]
:: * [ Download from #2]
:'''Download:''' []
:: * [ Download from]
:: * [ Download from]
:'''Discussion''' [ DodgeJump on Epic Games forums]
:'''Discussion''' [ DodgeJump on Epic Games forums]
<div style="background-color: #fefefe; border:1px solid #ededed; margin-top: 8px;">
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'''UTTrials''' ''(17-11-2007)''<sup>UT3</sup>
:This was the awaited Trials gametype for UT3 which was unfortunately canceled due the lack of UT3 interest. This gametype adds back the Objectives system of Assault to UT3 for usage in Trial maps. The gametype supports records, DodgeJump, Enhanced ImpactHammer, Enhanced Scoreboard(and HUD) and many other essential features that UT3 Trials might have liked as well introducing a new Trial mode such as Survival, the gametype was planned to support 3 Trial modes: Solo(Like BT), Team(Like UT2K4) and Survival(New).

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<h5 style="margin-left:10px;">
'''MutXMasPresents''' ''(2007)''(w/source)<sup>UT3</sup>
'''MutXMasPresents''' ''(2007)''(w/source)<sup>UT3</sup>
:'''Description''' Presents from Santa will be available throughout the maps played on your server.
:'''Credits''' [[Legacy:Soto|Vincent]] for making the meshes provided with this mutator.
:'''Discussion''' [ MutXMasPresents on Epic Games forums]
:Presents from Santa will be available throughout the maps played on your server.
:'''Credits:''' [[Legacy:Soto|Vincent]] for making the meshes provided with this mutator.
:'''Download:''' []
:'''Discussion:''' [ MutXMasPresents on Epic Games forums]

<div style="background-color: #fefefe; border:1px solid #ededed; margin-top: 8px;">
<h5 style="margin-left:10px;">
'''MutEmoticons''' ''(2007)''<sup>UT2004</sup>
'''MutEmoticons''' ''(2007)''<sup>UT2004</sup>
:'''Description''' Replaces the current played gametype HUD with a SmileyHud which replaces common used text smileys such as ':)' to a smiley image like on chat programs such as MSN.
:'''Credits''' [[User:.:..:|.:..:]] The HUD ''code'' was written by him for his Unreal 1 port and InvasionX which i converted to a mutator with replicated configurable smileys.
:Replaces the current played gametype HUD with a SmileyHud which replaces common used text smileys such as ':)' to a smiley image like on chat programs such as MSN.
:'''Discussion''' [ MutEmoticons on Epic Games forums]
:'''Credits:''' [[User:.:..:|.:..:]] The HUD ''code'' was written by him for his Unreal 1 port and InvasionX which I converted to a mutator with replicated configurable smileys.
:'''Download:''' []
:'''Discussion:''' [ MutEmoticons on Epic Games forums]
<div style="background-color: #fefefe; border:1px solid #ededed; margin-top: 8px;">
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'''MutCacheExtractor''' ''(2009)''(w/source)<sup>UT2004</sup>
:Lets you extract cache files from within the game even online!

'''MutCacheExtractor''' ''(2009)''[ Download](w/source)<sup>UT2004</sup>
:'''Comment:''' This is a [[UE2:Mutator (UT2004)|mutator]] that should be hosted on the server.
:'''Description''' Let's you extract cache files from within the game even online!.
:'''Comment''' This is a [[UE2:Mutator_(UT2004)|mutator]] that should be hosted on the server.
:'''Discussion''' [ MutCacheExtractor on Epic Games forums]

'''TrialGroup''' ''(2010)''[ Download](w/source)<sup>UT2004</sup>
:'''Download:''' []
:'''Description''' Provides functionality for mappers to integrate a group system which an external mutator is supposed to support for actually usage.
:'''Comment''' Provides several actors for trial mappers to make a team-trial map possible without cheating.
:'''Discussion:''' [ MutCacheExtractor on Epic Games forums]
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'''TrialGroup''' ''((21-29)-04-2010)''(w/source)<sup>UT2004</sup>
:Provides functionality for mappers to integrate a group system which an external mutator is supposed to support for actually usage.
:'''Comment:''' Provides several actors for trial mappers to make a team-trial map possible without cheating.
:'''Download:''' []
<div style="background-color: #fefefe; border:1px solid #ededed; margin-top: 8px;">
<h5 style="margin-left:10px;">
'''MomentumReflectorGun''' ''((3-6)-07-2010)''<sup>UT2004</sup>
:The Momentum Reflector Gun is a subclass of the LinkGun but instead of killing opponents, the gun is used to climb upon walls using precise aiming that may or may not require advanced skills depending on the challenge available in Trial maps.
:'''Comment:''' This gun is a imitation of the Quake 3 Plasma Gun, for the use of wall climbing see: [[wp:DeFRaG#Weapon_techniques|Weapon Techniques]].
:'''Download:''' []
<div style="background-color: #fefefe; border:1px solid #ededed; margin-top: 8px;">
<h5 style="margin-left:10px;">
'''MutEquipmentLevel''' ''(13-09-2010)''<sup>UT2004</sup>
:This mutator removes all the initial weapons you spawn with, except for the ShieldGun. Once a kill is made you will lose the ShieldGun and earn the AssaultRifle and so on. Once you suicide(or accident) you de-level meaning you'd lose the AssaultRifle and start again with the ShieldGun, you as well lose your score. Winning is not affected by this mutator.
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<h5 style="margin-left:10px;">
'''TrialGroup_Extra''' ''(20-03-2011)''<sup>UT2004</sup>
:See above: TrialGroup. Adds an additional GroupLinkedTriggerVolume for TrialGroup Level Designers. This volume provides the L.D the ability to make more complex challenges for Group Trial players, by linking several volumes together which all have to be filled with a partition of the players of that group in order to trigger the event and move on to the followed up challenge.

==UT2004 Maps==
==UT2004 Maps==
'''AS-MD-Scorpion-Escape''' ''(2004)''
'''AS-MD-Scorpion-Escape''' ''(2004)''
:'''Description''' An normal assault story map where you start of with vehicles(the scorpions) where you have to break through several blocking environments such as crates in blocking the drivers path as well survive from the defenders that try make you fail.
:'''Description:''' An normal assault story map where you start off with vehicles(the scorpions) where you have to break through several blocking environments such as crates that are blocking the drivers path, as well survive from the defenders that try make you fail.
:'''Versions''' Beta(1,2,3,4,5).
:'''Versions:''' Beta(1,2,3,4,5).
:'''Discussion''' [ AS-MD-Scorpion-Escape-Beta5 on Epic Games forums]
:'''Credits:''' Jamie1224 for adding bot support and tweaking minor things.
:'''Discussion:''' [ AS-MD-Scorpion-Escape-Beta5 on Epic Games forums]

'''AS-RoomTrials''' originally named '''AS-MD-RoomTrials''' ''(2004)''
'''AS-RoomTrials''' originally named '''AS-MD-RoomTrials''' ''(2004)''
:'''Description''' In this trials level you have to solve several trial rooms to escape the building.
:'''Description:''' In this trials level you have to solve several trial rooms to escape the building.
:'''Versions''' Beta(2,3,4,5,6,7), V1, V2 and V3.
:'''Versions:''' Beta(2,3,4,5,6,7), V1, V2 and V3.
:'''Influences''' In early versions there was a glitch which allowed you to land on the top of spikes, it was meant to wall dodge over these however soon ''hqf'' found out you can glitch those spikes and thus was later used on purpose in his map '''AS-TheEgyptianPyramid''', from there on this became a basic idea used in many trial maps.
:'''Influences:''' In early versions there was a glitch which allowed you to land on the top of spikes, it was meant to wall dodge over these however soon ''hqf'' found out you can glitch those spikes and thus was later used on purpose in his map '''AS-TheEgyptianPyramid''', from there on this became a basic idea used in many trial maps.
:'''Credits''' Jamie1224 for adding bot support and tweaking minor things.
:'''Discussion:''' [ AS-MD-RoomTrials-V1 on Epic Games forums] or [ AS-MD-RoomTrials-Beta5 on Epic Games forums], hehe good times...
:'''Discussion''' [ AS-MD-RoomTrials-V1 on Epic Games forums] or [ AS-MD-RoomTrials-Beta5 on Epic Games forums], hehe good times...
'''AS-LifeTrials''' originally named '''AS-MD-LifeTrials''' ''(2005)''
'''AS-LifeTrials''' originally named '''AS-MD-LifeTrials''' ''(2005)''
:'''Versions''' V1 and V1B.  
:'''Versions:''' V1 and V1B.  

'''AS-Antaro-Trial''' ''(2005)''
'''AS-Antaro-Trial''' ''(2005)''
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'''AS-Mayan-Secret-UG-Trials''' ''(2006)''
'''AS-Mayan-Secret-UG-Trials''' ''(2006)''
:'''Versions''' Beta(01,02,03,04)
:'''Versions:''' Beta(01,02,03,04)

'''AS-AbaddonTrials''' ''(2006)''
'''AS-AbaddonTrials''' ''(2006)''
:'''Description''' Solve the challenges of Abaddon!.
:'''Description:''' Solve the challenges of Abaddon!
:'''Custom Dependencies:''' ''DPM2Base'', ''AbaddonShield'' and ''EliotTFAMap''.

'''AS-EgyptianRoomTrials''' ''(2006)''
'''AS-EgyptianRoomTrials''' ''(2006)''

'''AS-ShieldGunTech''' ''(2006)''
'''AS-ShieldGunTech''' ''(2006)''
:'''Description''' Complete the 6 challenges with the [[UE2:ShieldGun_(UT2004)|ShieldGun]]!.
:'''Description:''' Complete the 6 challenges with the [[UE2:ShieldGun (UT2004)|ShieldGun]]!
:'''Versions''' V1, V1-Fixed and Final.
:'''Versions:''' V1, V1-Fixed and Final.

'''AS-ShieldGunBase''' ''(2006)''
'''AS-ShieldGunBase''' ''(2006)''
:'''Description''' Complete the 4 challenges with the [[UE2:ShieldGun_(UT2004)|ShieldGun]]!.
:'''Description:''' Complete the 4 challenges with the [[UE2:ShieldGun (UT2004)|ShieldGun]]!
:'''Versions''' V(1,2,2-Easy,3,4,4B).
:'''Versions:''' V(1,2,2-Easy,3,4,4B).
:'''Credits:''' [[User:Mr Evil|Mr Evil]] for BootsOfJumping.

'''AS-PortalTrials''' ''(2006)''
'''AS-PortalTrials''' ''(2006)''
:'''Description''' Solve some complex thinking challenges with the PortalGun!.
:'''Description:''' Solve some complex thinking challenges with the PortalGun!
:'''Credits''' [[Legacy:Shambler|Shambler]] for making the PortalGun, see [ PortalGun].
:'''Credits:''' [[Legacy:Shambler|Shambler]] for making the PortalGun, see [ PortalGun].

'''AS-Constructor-BuildZone_Alpha''' ''(2006)''
'''AS-Constructor-BuildZone_Alpha''' ''(2006)''
:'''Description''' Construct your virtual world with the [[UE2:Mutator_(UT2004)|mutator]] ConstructorGun!.
:'''Description:''' This was the first UT2004 map where you could create things with the [[UE2:Mutator (UT2004)|mutator]] ConstructorGun!
:'''Versions''' Alpha, V2-Night and V2B-Night.
:'''Versions:''' Alpha, V2-Night and V2B-Night.
:'''Credits''' [[User:.:..:|.:..:]] for making the ConstructorGun and expanding this map by adding an outside.
:'''Credits:''' [[User:.:..:|.:..:]] for making the ConstructorGun and expanding this map by adding an outside.

'''AS-ShieldGunSensitivity''' ''(2007)''
'''AS-ShieldGunSensitivity''' ''(2007)''
:'''Description''' Complete the 4 challenges with the [[UE2:ShieldGun_(UT2004)|ShieldGun]]!, but in this one you must watch out for dangerous surfaces!.
:'''Description:''' Complete the 4 challenges with the [[UE2:ShieldGun (UT2004)|ShieldGun]]!, but in this one you must watch out for dangerous surfaces!

'''AS-BloodOnTheFloor''' ''(2008)''
'''AS-BloodOnTheFloor''' ''(2008)''
:'''Description''' A very hard trial challenge for the high-end players!.
:'''Description:''' A very hard trial challenge for high-end players!

'''AS-QuickChallenge-NAME-NUMBER Series''' ''(2008)''
'''AS-QuickChallenge-NAME-NUMBER Series''' ''(2008)''
:'''Description''' Short challenges made for the purpose of setting time records.  
:'''Description:''' Short challenges made for the purpose of setting time records.  

'''AS-BlackHeaven''' ''(2009)''
'''AS-BlackHeaven''' ''(2009)''
:'''Description''' A very hard trial challenge for the high-end players!.
:'''Description:''' A very hard trial challenge for high-end players!

'''AS-Solo-Eliot'sTrial''' ''(2009)''[ Download]
'''AS-Solo-Eliot'sTrial''' ''(2009)''
:'''Description''' Mystic abaddon trial base in the darkness, found on the planet AbissoDno.
:'''Description:''' Mystic abaddon trial base in the darkness, found on the planet AbissoDno.
:'''Credits:''' iMouNdeee, Billa, Vinc3h and f`.
:'''Download Mirrors:'''
:: * [ Download from]. Depedencies not included!
:'''Custom Dependencies:''' ''LevelConfigManagerV2C'', ''LevelConfigManagerV2E'', ''DoorsMod'', ''AmbModern'' and ''DoorsAnc''.

'''AS-Solo-TechChallenge-NUMBER Series''' ''(2009)''
'''AS-Solo-TechChallenge-NUMBER Series''' ''(2009)''
:'''Description''' Short challenges made for the purpose of setting time records.  
:'''Description:''' Short challenges made for the purpose of setting time records.  

'''AS-Solo-CratesBase''' ''(2009)''
'''AS-Solo-CratesBase''' ''(2009)''
:'''Description''' A really short map made for the purpose of setting time records.
:'''Description:''' A really short map made for the purpose of setting time records.

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TechTexPackage is a simple theme originally designed for '''AS-ShieldGunTech''' which shortly became very popular and is used today on almost every new trials map, some people call it as the ''Trials Theme'' because it fits trials very well, though this theme is perfectly usable for any other gametypes.
TechTexPackage is a simple theme originally designed for '''AS-ShieldGunTech''' which shortly became very popular and is used today on almost every new trials map, some people call it as the ''Trials Theme'' because it fits trials very well, though this theme is perfectly usable for any other gametypes.

Most of the content in the texture packages are shaders which are usually based on the base texture with an added special effect that is self-made or standard from the UT2004 packages such as '''XEffectMat''' etc, all texture resolutions are max ''512x512''.
Most of the content in the texture packages are Shaders which are usually based on the base texture with an added special effect that is self-made or standard from the UT2004 packages such as '''XEffectMat''' etc, all texture resolutions are max ''512x512''.

'''TechTexPackage''' ''(2.461KB)'' ''(2006)''
'''TechTexPackage''' ''(2.461KB)'' ''(2006)''
:'''Textures''' 17, most are build upon the base texture included in this package, this applies as well to the other tech packages.
:'''Textures:''' 17, most are build upon the base texture included in this package, this applies as well to the other TechPackages.
:'''Dependencies''' ''XEffectMat''.  

'''TechTexPackage2''' ''(2.397KB)'' ''(2007)''
'''TechTexPackage2''' ''(2.397KB)'' ''(2007)''
:'''Textures''' 12.
:'''Textures:''' 12.
:'''Dependencies''' ''TechTexPackage''.  
:'''Custom Dependencies:''' ''TechTexPackage''.  

'''TechTexPackage3''' ''(2.054KB)'' ''(2007)''
'''TechTexPackage3''' ''(2.054KB)'' ''(2007)''
:'''Textures''' 12.
:'''Textures:''' 12.
:'''Dependencies''' ''TechTexPackage'', ''PickupSkins'' and ''UCGeneric''.  
:'''Custom Dependencies:''' ''TechTexPackage''.

'''TechTexPackage4''' ''(2.052KB)'' ''(2007)''
'''TechTexPackage4''' ''(2.052KB)'' ''(2007)''
:'''Textures''' 3.
:'''Textures:''' 3.
:'''Dependencies''' ''TechTexPackage'', ''TechTexPackage3'' and ''Chrome_cp''.  
:'''Custom Dependencies:''' ''TechTexPackage'' and ''TechTexPackage3''.  

'''TechTexPackage5''' ''(5.153KB)'' ''(2008-2009)''
'''TechTexPackage5''' ''(5.153KB)'' ''(2008-2009)''
:'''Textures''' 26.  
:'''Textures:''' 26.  
:'''Dependencies''' ''TechTexPackage'', ''TechTexPackage2'', ''TechTexPackage3'', ''TechTexPackage4'', ''UCGeneric'' and ''XEffectMat''.  
:'''Custom Dependencies:''' ''TechTexPackage'', ''TechTexPackage2'', ''TechTexPackage3'' and ''TechTexPackage4''.

'''TechTexPackage6''' ''(2.051KB)'' ''(unreleased)'' ''(2010)''
'''TechTexPackage6''' ''(2.051KB)'' ''(unreleased)'' ''(2010)''
:'''Textures''' 7.  
:'''Textures:''' 7.  
:'''Dependencies''' ''TechTexPackage''.  
:'''Custom Dependencies:''' ''TechTexPackage''.  

'''Credits''' Epic Games because many textures are merged together to make certain themes fit with this theme, Billa for contributing [[Shader]]s and suggesting design ideas.
'''Credits:''' Epic Games because many stock textures were merged together to make certain themes fit together with this theme, Billa for contributing [[Shader]]s and suggesting design ideas.
'''Download Mirrors:'''
: * [ Download from]
: * [ Screen 1 of Tech Textures in use inc the MutBestTimes scoreboard]
: * [ Screen 2] [ Screen 3] [ Screen 4] [ Screen 5] [ Screen 6] [ Screen 7]
: * [ Screen 8] [ Screen 9] [ Screen 10] [ Screen 11] [ Screen 12] [ Screen 13] [ Screen 14]
;TechTexPackage 1
: * [ Screen 1] [ Screen 2]

Line 182: Line 281:
* [[Legacy:VertexToolTutorial|VertexToolTutorial]]<sup>UE2</sup>
* [[Legacy:VertexToolTutorial|VertexToolTutorial]]<sup>UE2</sup>
* [[UE2:InfoPod (Tutorial)|InfoPod Tutorial]]<sup>UE2</sup>
* [[UE2:InfoPod (Tutorial)|InfoPod Tutorial]]<sup>UE2</sup>
* [[UnrealScript Hello World]]

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===Unreal Explorer===  
===UE Explorer===  
Unreal Explorer is a program written in [[wp:C#|C#]], that analyzes unreal package files of UT Classic(Limited), UT2004 and UDK(Limited) with a similar user interface to that of [[UTPT]].
See [[User:Eliot/UE Explorer|UE Explorer]]
'''Note''' This program is not released yet and will maybe not be released(or be limited i.e. fail on decompiling protected classes and stuff).
'''Purpose''' The purpose of this program was to start learning C# and experiencing with .NET and learn how the unreal file format works.
:View Decompiled Unreal Classes
::'''Decompiles the following objects/etc'''
::[[Replication]] including [[Enum]] comparing
::All Fields(var,struct etc) with full [[functions]] [[UnrealScript_bytecode|UnrealScript bytecode]] decompiling(i.e. all '''public used''' protection methods do not work!)
:::While Loops(buggy sometimes)
:::All Types(including [[dynamic arrays]], [[structs]] and [[subobjects]])
:Export ScriptText Classes
:Export Decompiled Classes
:View Package/Content Dependencies(Basic)
:Integrated Cache Extractor
:Integrated Color Generator(Unreal color tags with preview)
:And many more though this decompiler doesn't feature everything [[UTPT]] does have, some things are worse but then again some are better like the fact that it decompiles [[subobjects]], [[structs]], [[dynamic arrays]] completely but mainly the advantage would be that it can analyze UDK's unreal files(Not complete yet!).
===Unreal Library===
Unreal Library is a library made in [[wp:C#|C#]], for analyzing Unreal package files i.e. (.u files, map files, texture files etc).
The library can serialize many unreal objects, here's a collection.
+UArray - This is like a list but provides a serialize function with interfaces that will read the next bytes as a saved ''FArray''.
++++UFixedArrayProperty - Fixed array
++++UArrayProperty - Dynamic array
++++UStrProperty - Dynamic string
++++UStringProperty - Fixed string
The library can decompile, serialize and build a node-tree from all the listed objects. It also supports UDK and UT99 a little.
'''Credits''' Antonio Cordero Balcázar, for the unreal formats documentation etc, see [[UTPT]].
'''Note''' This library is not released yet.

==Unreal Wiki Pages==
'''Purpose:''' The purpose of this application was to learn C#, .NET and especially the UnrealPackage format.
This is a list of pages i created or re-wrote.
And obviously i contribute a lot to the [[UnrealScript]] related pages.

Latest revision as of 13:34, 25 September 2013

Welcome to Eliot's UnrealWiki page. I'm known for the Trials community modding work that I've done for Unreal Tournament 2004.

This page is a collection of UT2004 mods I have made or contributed.


Website - Resume, Blog, Forum, and Portfolio
Eliot on Epic Games Forums


LevelConfigManager (2006-2009)UT2004
An UnrealEd Mutator allowing you to modify the map gameplay to your choice.
Comment: This is a very often used mutator in Assault Trial maps and is usually a must use today; mainly because of the DefaultWeapons feature.
MutNoAutoFire (2006-2009)(w/source)UT2004
Replaces those annoying ShieldGun's that auto fire when being close to a player of your team, Note:Replaces the pawn class if it is xpawn or UTComp_Pawn, will not function properly if other mutators replacing the pawn class are running!
Comment: This is a very often used mutator in Assault Trial servers because this mutator fixes common exploits of the game such as movers not moving anymore in some cases and as well kills people that try to glitch through idling movers(such as non-complex doors), this mutator as well lets you configure the color of the ShieldGun and let you choose your own suicide message and many more.
Credits: .:..: for contributing ideas and features.
MutBestTimes (2005-2012)UT2004
Records Best MapTime completion, Player Rankings, Website stats(Example), Client Spawn and (Solo Trial mode, Group Trial mode support) and many more small features.
Comment: Private trials mutator for my favorite servers.
Credits: .:..: he made the very first version/s(2005-2006) of this mutator then retired, which I continued then(2007), Gugi for fixing some iteration issue in the custom VotingHandler that they experienced only on their server.
Stats: WebBTimes An UnrealScript generated page displaying all map records on the web.
AccessPlus (2006)UT2004
An administrator mutator. AccessPlus was an admin utility designed for the once called UT2X community server. AccessPlus was based on AdminPlus, adding dozen more admin commands to manage your server.
What made AccessPlus unique is that it keeps track of all players connecting to the server and each of his/her alias name, upon connecting every name ever used will be to displayed to the server players and admins. Additionally the server will alert when a player connecting is downloading a file directly from the server, which is useful because it is an indication that a file is not redirected, the file being downloaded will be messaged.
MultiDodgeShieldGun (2007)UT2004
This gun is an extension of the modified ShieldGun of MutNoAutoFire, the difference is that whenever you hit a wall you will be able to dodge once again, the purpose of this is to make it possible for mappers to make more new and fresh Trial maps for dedicated players.
Comment: This mod has a hardcoded dependency on a specific version of MutNoAutoFire; the version of this mod is equal to the mutator version it depends on.
Credits: .:..: for an replication issue and Lt.Ryan for the idea suggestion.
MutDodgeJump (2007)(w/source)UT3
Allows players to jump again after they have dodged once (optional).
Comment: MutDodgeJump was the first second mutator released for UT3. The mutator was very well accepted by the community however old-skool players from UT did not for obvious reasons.
Credits: Mysterial for explaining some replication.
Discussion DodgeJump on Epic Games forums
UTTrials (17-11-2007)UT3
This was the awaited Trials gametype for UT3 which was unfortunately canceled due the lack of UT3 interest. This gametype adds back the Objectives system of Assault to UT3 for usage in Trial maps. The gametype supports records, DodgeJump, Enhanced ImpactHammer, Enhanced Scoreboard(and HUD) and many other essential features that UT3 Trials might have liked as well introducing a new Trial mode such as Survival, the gametype was planned to support 3 Trial modes: Solo(Like BT), Team(Like UT2K4) and Survival(New).
MutXMasPresents (2007)(w/source)UT3
Presents from Santa will be available throughout the maps played on your server.
Credits: Vincent for making the meshes provided with this mutator.
Discussion: MutXMasPresents on Epic Games forums
MutEmoticons (2007)UT2004
Replaces the current played gametype HUD with a SmileyHud which replaces common used text smileys such as ':)' to a smiley image like on chat programs such as MSN.
Credits: .:..: The HUD code was written by him for his Unreal 1 port and InvasionX which I converted to a mutator with replicated configurable smileys.
Discussion: MutEmoticons on Epic Games forums
MutCacheExtractor (2009)(w/source)UT2004
Lets you extract cache files from within the game even online!
Comment: This is a mutator that should be hosted on the server.
Discussion: MutCacheExtractor on Epic Games forums
TrialGroup ((21-29)-04-2010)(w/source)UT2004
Provides functionality for mappers to integrate a group system which an external mutator is supposed to support for actually usage.
Comment: Provides several actors for trial mappers to make a team-trial map possible without cheating.
MomentumReflectorGun ((3-6)-07-2010)UT2004
The Momentum Reflector Gun is a subclass of the LinkGun but instead of killing opponents, the gun is used to climb upon walls using precise aiming that may or may not require advanced skills depending on the challenge available in Trial maps.
Comment: This gun is a imitation of the Quake 3 Plasma Gun, for the use of wall climbing see: Weapon Techniques.
MutEquipmentLevel (13-09-2010)UT2004
This mutator removes all the initial weapons you spawn with, except for the ShieldGun. Once a kill is made you will lose the ShieldGun and earn the AssaultRifle and so on. Once you suicide(or accident) you de-level meaning you'd lose the AssaultRifle and start again with the ShieldGun, you as well lose your score. Winning is not affected by this mutator.
TrialGroup_Extra (20-03-2011)UT2004
See above: TrialGroup. Adds an additional GroupLinkedTriggerVolume for TrialGroup Level Designers. This volume provides the L.D the ability to make more complex challenges for Group Trial players, by linking several volumes together which all have to be filled with a partition of the players of that group in order to trigger the event and move on to the followed up challenge.

UT2004 Maps

AS-MD-Scorpion-Escape (2004)

Description: An normal assault story map where you start off with vehicles(the scorpions) where you have to break through several blocking environments such as crates that are blocking the drivers path, as well survive from the defenders that try make you fail.
Versions: Beta(1,2,3,4,5).
Credits: Jamie1224 for adding bot support and tweaking minor things.
Discussion: AS-MD-Scorpion-Escape-Beta5 on Epic Games forums

AS-RoomTrials originally named AS-MD-RoomTrials (2004)

Description: In this trials level you have to solve several trial rooms to escape the building.
Versions: Beta(2,3,4,5,6,7), V1, V2 and V3.
Influences: In early versions there was a glitch which allowed you to land on the top of spikes, it was meant to wall dodge over these however soon hqf found out you can glitch those spikes and thus was later used on purpose in his map AS-TheEgyptianPyramid, from there on this became a basic idea used in many trial maps.
Discussion: AS-MD-RoomTrials-V1 on Epic Games forums or AS-MD-RoomTrials-Beta5 on Epic Games forums, hehe good times...

AS-LifeTrials originally named AS-MD-LifeTrials (2005)

Versions: V1 and V1B.

AS-Antaro-Trial (2005)

AS-Fact-Trial (2005)

AS-Mayan-Secret-UG-Trials (2006)

Versions: Beta(01,02,03,04)

AS-AbaddonTrials (2006)

Description: Solve the challenges of Abaddon!
Custom Dependencies: DPM2Base, AbaddonShield and EliotTFAMap.

AS-EgyptianRoomTrials (2006)

AS-ShieldGunTech (2006)

Description: Complete the 6 challenges with the ShieldGun!
Versions: V1, V1-Fixed and Final.

AS-ShieldGunBase (2006)

Description: Complete the 4 challenges with the ShieldGun!
Versions: V(1,2,2-Easy,3,4,4B).
Credits: Mr Evil for BootsOfJumping.

AS-PortalTrials (2006)

Description: Solve some complex thinking challenges with the PortalGun!
Credits: Shambler for making the PortalGun, see PortalGun.

AS-Constructor-BuildZone_Alpha (2006)

Description: This was the first UT2004 map where you could create things with the mutator ConstructorGun!
Versions: Alpha, V2-Night and V2B-Night.
Credits: .:..: for making the ConstructorGun and expanding this map by adding an outside.

AS-ShieldGunSensitivity (2007)

Description: Complete the 4 challenges with the ShieldGun!, but in this one you must watch out for dangerous surfaces!

AS-BloodOnTheFloor (2008)

Description: A very hard trial challenge for high-end players!

AS-QuickChallenge-NAME-NUMBER Series (2008)

Description: Short challenges made for the purpose of setting time records.

AS-BlackHeaven (2009)

Description: A very hard trial challenge for high-end players!

AS-Solo-Eliot'sTrial (2009)

Description: Mystic abaddon trial base in the darkness, found on the planet AbissoDno.
Credits: iMouNdeee, Billa, Vinc3h and f`.
Download Mirrors:
* Download from Depedencies not included!
Custom Dependencies: LevelConfigManagerV2C, LevelConfigManagerV2E, DoorsMod, AmbModern and DoorsAnc.

AS-Solo-TechChallenge-NUMBER Series (2009)

Description: Short challenges made for the purpose of setting time records.

AS-Solo-CratesBase (2009)

Description: A really short map made for the purpose of setting time records.



TechTexPackage is a simple theme originally designed for AS-ShieldGunTech which shortly became very popular and is used today on almost every new trials map, some people call it as the Trials Theme because it fits trials very well, though this theme is perfectly usable for any other gametypes.

Most of the content in the texture packages are Shaders which are usually based on the base texture with an added special effect that is self-made or standard from the UT2004 packages such as XEffectMat etc, all texture resolutions are max 512x512.

TechTexPackage (2.461KB) (2006)

Textures: 17, most are build upon the base texture included in this package, this applies as well to the other TechPackages.

TechTexPackage2 (2.397KB) (2007)

Textures: 12.
Custom Dependencies: TechTexPackage.

TechTexPackage3 (2.054KB) (2007)

Textures: 12.
Custom Dependencies: TechTexPackage.

TechTexPackage4 (2.052KB) (2007)

Textures: 3.
Custom Dependencies: TechTexPackage and TechTexPackage3.

TechTexPackage5 (5.153KB) (2008-2009)

Textures: 26.
Custom Dependencies: TechTexPackage, TechTexPackage2, TechTexPackage3 and TechTexPackage4.

TechTexPackage6 (2.051KB) (unreleased) (2010)

Textures: 7.
Custom Dependencies: TechTexPackage.

Credits: Epic Games because many stock textures were merged together to make certain themes fit together with this theme, Billa for contributing Shaders and suggesting design ideas. Download Mirrors:

* Download from


* Screen 1 of Tech Textures in use inc the MutBestTimes scoreboard
* Screen 2 Screen 3 Screen 4 Screen 5 Screen 6 Screen 7
* Screen 8 Screen 9 Screen 10 Screen 11 Screen 12 Screen 13 Screen 14
TechTexPackage 1
* Screen 1 Screen 2




UE Explorer

See UE Explorer

Purpose: The purpose of this application was to learn C#, .NET and especially the UnrealPackage format.