UE2:UT2K4SPTab_ProfileNew defaults (UT2004)

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Revision as of 10:10, 17 May 2008 by Wormbo (talk | contribs) (Auto-generated page)
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;Other member categories for this class::

Default values

Property Value
PanelCaption "New profile"



Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bNeverFocus True
bRepeatClick True
Hint "Selects a new appearance for your character"
OnClick onSelectSkin
OnClickSound CS_Up
StyleName "ArrowRight"
TabOrder 6
WinHeight 0.08
WinLeft 0.178054
WinTop 0.733722
WinWidth 0.04875


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bNeverFocus True
bRepeatClick True
Hint "Selects a new symbol for your team"
OnClick onSelectSponsor
OnClickSound CS_Up
StyleName "ArrowRight"
TabOrder 9
WinHeight 0.08
WinLeft 0.43338
WinTop 0.733722
WinWidth 0.055


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bNeverFocus True
bRepeatClick True
Hint "Selects a new appearance for your character"
OnClick onSelectSkin
OnClickSound CS_Down
StyleName "ArrowLeft"
TabOrder 5
WinHeight 0.08
WinLeft 0.060867
WinTop 0.733722
WinWidth 0.04875


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bNeverFocus True
bRepeatClick True
Hint "Selects a new symbol for your team"
OnClick onSelectSponsor
OnClickSound CS_Down
StyleName "ArrowLeft"
TabOrder 8
WinHeight 0.08
WinLeft 0.311505
WinTop 0.733722
WinWidth 0.04875


Class: XInterface.GUICharacterListTeam

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bCenterInBounds True
FixedItemsPerPage 1
Hint "Your character's appearance, use arrow keys to change"
StyleName "CharButton"
TabOrder 0
WinHeight 0.5
WinLeft 0.048207
WinTop 0.191921
WinWidth 0.199566


Class: XInterface.GUIImageList

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bWrap True
Hint "Your team's sponsor, use arrow keys to change"
ImageAlign IMGA_Center
ImageRenderStyle MSTY_Normal
ImageStyle ISTY_Justified
TabOrder 7
WinHeight 0.506378
WinLeft 0.304401
WinTop 0.189296
WinWidth 0.185561


Class: XInterface.GUISectionBackground

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
Caption "Profile"
WinHeight 0.77
WinLeft 0.536263
WinTop 0.101463
WinWidth 0.425171


Class: XInterface.GUISectionBackground

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
Caption "Portrait"
WinHeight 0.77
WinLeft 0.030428
WinTop 0.101463
WinWidth 0.234133


Class: XInterface.GUISectionBackground

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
Caption "Team symbol"
WinHeight 0.77
WinLeft 0.273865
WinTop 0.101463
WinWidth 0.253265


Class: XInterface.moComboBox

Property Value
bBoundToParent True
bReadOnly True
bVerticalLayout True
Caption "Difficulty: "
Hint "Customize your challenge"
LabelJustification TXTA_Left
TabOrder 3
WinHeight 0.068311
WinLeft 0.572258
WinTop 0.568803
WinWidth 0.345


Class: XInterface.moEditBox


Class: XInterface.moEditBox