The three virtues of a programmer: Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris. – Larry Wall

Legacy:Actor Class Hierarchy (DX)

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Actor (DX)
+– Augmentation (DX)
|   +– AugAqualung (DX)
|   +– AugBallistic (DX)
|   +– AugCloak (DX)
|   +– AugCombat (DX)
|   +– AugDatalink (DX)
|   +– AugDefense (DX)
|   +– AugDrone (DX)
|   +– AugEMP (DX)
|   +– AugEnviro (DX)
|   +– AugHealing (DX)
|   +– AugHeartLung (DX)
|   +– AugIFF (DX)
|   +– AugLight (DX)
|   +– AugMuscle (DX)
|   +– AugPower (DX)
|   +– AugRadarTrans (DX)
|   +– AugShield (DX)
|   +– AugSpeed (DX)
|   +– AugStealth (DX)
|   +– AugTarget (DX)
|   +– AugVision (DX)
+– AugmentationManager (DX)
+– BarkManager (DX)
+– Brush (DX)
|   +– Mover (DX)
|       +– DeusExMover (DX)
|       |   +– BreakableGlass (DX)
|       |   +– BreakableWall (DX)
|       +– ElevatorMover (DX)
|       +– MultiMover (DX)
+– ColorTheme (DX)
|   +– ColorThemeHUD (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_Amber (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_Cops (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_Cyan (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_DarkBlue (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_Default (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_DesertStorm (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_DriedBlood (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_Dusk (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_Grey (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_IonStorm (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_Nightvision (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_Ninja (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_PaleGreen (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_Pastel (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_Plasma (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_Primaries (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_Purple (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_Red (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_SoylentGreen (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_Starlight (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_SteelGreen (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_Superhero (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_Terminator (DX)
|   |   +– ColorThemeHUD_Violet (DX)
|   +– ColorThemeMenu (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_Blue (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_BlueAndGold (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_CoolGreen (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_Cops (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_Cyan (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_Default (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_DesertStorm (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_DriedBlood (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_Dusk (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_Earth (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_Green (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_Grey (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_IonStorm (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_Lava (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_NightVision (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_Ninja (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_Olive (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_PaleGreen (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_Pastel (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_Plasma (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_Primaries (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_Purple (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_Red (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_Seawater (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_SoylentGreen (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_Starlight (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_Steel (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_SteelGreen (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_Superhero (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_Terminator (DX)
|       +– ColorThemeMenu_Violet (DX)
+– ColorThemeManager (DX)
+– ConPlayBark (DX)
+– ConPlayBase (DX)
|   +– ConPlay (DX)
|   +– DataLinkPlay (DX)
+– DamageType (DX)
+– Decal (DX)
|   +– DeusExDecal (DX)
|   |   +– AmbrosiaPool (DX)
|   |   +– BloodPool (DX)
|   |   +– BloodSplat (DX)
|   |   +– BulletHole (DX)
|   |   +– BurnMark (DX)
|   |   +– ScorchMark (DX)
|   |   +– WaterPool (DX)
|   +– Shadow (DX)
+– Decoration (DX) >> (expanded in Decoration Class Tree (DX)
+– Effects (DX)
|   +– AirBubble (DX)
|   +– AnimatedSprite (DX)
|   |   +– ExplosionLarge (DX)
|   |   +– ExplosionMedium (DX)
|   |   +– ExplosionSmall (DX)
|   +– BloodSpurt (DX)
|   +– EllipseEffect (DX)
|   +– Fire (DX)
|   |   +– SmokelessFire (DX)
|   +– LaserEmitter (DX)
|   |   +– ElectricityEmitter (DX)
|   +– LaserProxy (DX)
|   +– LaserSpot (DX)
|   +– MoverHighlight (DX)
|   +– MuzzleFlash (DX)
|   +– ParticleGenerator (DX)
|   |   +– WaterDrips (DX)
|   +– ParticleProxy (DX)
|   +– PawnGenerator (DX)
|   |   +– Fish2Generator (DX)
|   |   +– FishGenerator (DX)
|   |   +– FlyGenerator (DX)
|   |   +– PedestrianGenerator (DX)
|   |   +– PigeonGenerator (DX)
|   |   +– RatGenerator (DX)
|   |   +– SeagullGenerator (DX)
|   +– ProjectileGenerator (DX)
|   +– ShieldEffect (DX)
|   +– ShockRing (DX)
|   +– SmokeTrail (DX)
|   +– Spark (DX)
|   +– SphereEffect (DX)
|   |   +– InvulnSphere (DX)
|   +– TrashGenerator (DX)
|   +– WaterRing (DX)
+– HUD (DX)
+– Info (DX)
|   +– DeusExLevelInfo (DX)
|   +– GameInfo (DX)
|   |   +– DeusExGameInfo (DX)
|   |       +– DeusExMPGame (DX)
|   |           +– DeathMatchGame (DX)
|   |           +– TeamDMGame (DX)
|   |               +– AdvTeamDMGame (DX)
|   |               +– BasicTeamDMGame (DX)
|   +– InternetInfo (DX)
|   |   +– InternetLink (DX)
|   |       +– TcpLink (DX)
|   |       |   +– UBrowserBufferedTcpLink (DX)
|   |       |       +– DeusExGSpyLink (DX)
|   |       |       +– UBrowserGSpyLink (DX)
|   |       |       +– UBrowserHTTPClient (DX)
|   |       |       |   +– UBrowserUpdateServerLink (DX)
|   |       |       +– UBrowserHTTPLink (DX)
|   |       |       +– UBrowserIRCLink (DX)
|   |       +– UdpLink (DX)
|   |           +– DeusExLocalLink (DX)
|   |           +– DeusExServerPing (DX)
|   |           +– UBrowserLocalLink (DX)
|   |           +– UBrowserServerPing (DX)
|   |           +– UdpBeacon (DX)
|   |           |   +– ClientBeaconReceiver (DX)
|   |           +– UdpServerQuery (DX)
|   |           +– UdpServerUplink (DX)
|   +– KillerProfile (DX)
|   +– LocalMessage (DX)
|   +– MapList (DX)
|   |   +– DXMapList (DX)
|   +– MissionScript (DX)
|   |   +– Mission00 (DX)
|   |   +– Mission01 (DX)
|   |   +– Mission02 (DX)
|   |   +– Mission03 (DX)
|   |   +– Mission04 (DX)
|   |   +– Mission05 (DX)
|   |   +– Mission06 (DX)
|   |   +– Mission08 (DX)
|   |   +– Mission09 (DX)
|   |   +– Mission10 (DX)
|   |   +– Mission11 (DX)
|   |   +– Mission12 (DX)
|   |   +– Mission14 (DX)
|   |   +– Mission15 (DX)
|   |   +– MissionEndgame (DX)
|   |   +– MissionIntro (DX)
|   +– Mutator (DX)
|   +– ReplicationInfo (DX)
|   |   +– GameReplicationInfo (DX)
|   |   +– PlayerReplicationInfo (DX)
|   +– SavedMove (DX)
|   +– ScoreBoard (DX)
|   +– StatLog (DX)
|   |   +– StatLogFile (DX)
|   +– TestInfo (DX)
|   +– VoicePack (DX)
|   +– ZoneInfo (DX)
|       +– LevelInfo (DX)
|       +– SkyZoneInfo (DX)
|       +– WarpZoneInfo (DX)
|       +– WaterZone (DX)
+– Inventory (DX) >> (expanded in Inventory Class Tree (DX)
+– Keypoint (DX)
|   +– AmbientSound (DX)
|   |   +– AmbientSoundTriggered (DX)
|   +– BlockAll (DX)
|   +– BlockMonsters (DX)
|   +– BlockPlayer (DX)
|   +– CameraPoint (DX)
|   +– InterpolationPoint (DX)
|   +– LocationID (DX)
|   +– MoverCollider (DX)
|   +– PickupDistributor (DX)
|   +– RandomEvents (DX)
|   +– RandomSounds (DX)
|   +– SequenceEvents (DX)
|   +– Timer (DX)
|   +– WayBeacon (DX)
+– Light (DX)
|   +– Beam (DX)
|   +– ConLight (DX)
|   +– ExplosionLight (DX)
|   +– HighLight (DX)
|   +– Spotlight (DX)
|   +– TriggerLight (DX)
+– Menu (DX)
+– MPPlayerTrack (DX)
+– NavigationPoint (DX)
|   +– AmbushPoint (DX)
|   +– ButtonMarker (DX)
|   +– HidePoint (DX)
|   +– HomeBase (DX)
|   +– InventorySpot (DX)
|   +– LiftCenter (DX)
|   +– LiftExit (DX)
|   +– MapExit (DX)
|   +– PathNode (DX)
|   +– PatrolPoint (DX)
|   +– PlayerStart (DX)
|   +– SpawnPoint (DX)
|   +– Teleporter (DX)
|   +– TriggerMarker (DX)
|   +– WanderPoint (DX)
|   +– WarpZoneMarker (DX)
+– Pawn (DX) >> (expanded in Pawn Class Tree (DX)
+– Projectile (DX)
|   +– DeusExProjectile (DX)
|   |   +– Cloud (DX)
|   |   |   +– HalonGas (DX)
|   |   |   +– PoisonGas (DX)
|   |   |   +– TearGas (DX)
|   |   +– Dart (DX)
|   |   |   +– DartFlare (DX)
|   |   |   +– DartPoison (DX)
|   |   +– Fireball (DX)
|   |   |   +– FireballRocket (DX)
|   |   +– GraySpit (DX)
|   |   +– GreaselSpit (DX)
|   |   +– HECannister20mm (DX)
|   |   +– PlasmaBolt (DX)
|   |   +– Rocket (DX)
|   |   |   +– RocketLAW (DX)
|   |   |   +– RocketMini (DX)
|   |   |   +– RocketRobot (DX)
|   |   |   +– RocketWP (DX)
|   |   +– Shuriken (DX)
|   |   +– ThrownProjectile (DX)
|   |   |   +– EMPGrenade (DX)
|   |   |   +– GasGrenade (DX)
|   |   |   +– LAM (DX)
|   |   |   +– NanoVirusGrenade (DX)
|   |   |   +– SpyDrone (DX)
|   |   +– Tracer (DX)
|   |       +– SniperTracer (DX)
|   +– Fragment (DX)
|       +– DeusExFragment (DX)
|           +– BloodDrop (DX)
|           +– FireComet (DX)
|           +– FleshFragment (DX)
|           +– GlassFragment (DX)
|           +– MetalFragment (DX)
|           +– PaperFragment (DX)
|           +– PlasticFragment (DX)
|           +– Rockchip (DX)
|           +– ShellCasing (DX)
|           |   +– ShellCasingSilent (DX)
|           +– ShellCasing2 (DX)
|           +– SuperBall (DX)
|           +– WoodFragment (DX)
+– Skill (DX)
|   +– SkillComputer (DX)
|   +– SkillDemolition (DX)
|   +– SkillEnviro (DX)
|   +– SkillLockpicking (DX)
|   +– SkillMedicine (DX)
|   +– SkillSwimming (DX)
|   +– SkillTech (DX)
|   +– SkillWeaponHeavy (DX)
|   +– SkillWeaponLowTech (DX)
|   +– SkillWeaponPistol (DX)
|   +– SkillWeaponRifle (DX)
+– SkillManager (DX)
+– SmellNode (DX)
+– SpawnNotify (DX)
+– TraceHitSpawner (DX)
|   +– TraceHitHandSpawner (DX)
|   +– TraceHitNonPenSpawner (DX)
|       +– TraceHitHandNonPenSpawner (DX)
+– Triggers (DX)
    +– Counter (DX)
    +– Dispatcher (DX)
    +– MusicEvent (DX)
    +– RoundRobin (DX)
    +– SpecialEvent (DX)
    +– Trigger (DX)
        +– AllianceTrigger (DX)
        +– BeamTrigger (DX)
        +– ConversationTrigger (DX)
        +– DamageTrigger (DX)
        +– DataLinkTrigger (DX)
        +– DirectionalTrigger (DX)
        +– FadeViewTrigger (DX)
        +– FlagTrigger (DX)
        +– GoalCompleteTrigger (DX)
        +– InterpolateTrigger (DX)
        +– LaserTrigger (DX)
        +– LogicTrigger (DX)
        +– OrdersTrigger (DX)
        +– SenseTrigger (DX)
        +– SequenceTrigger (DX)
        +– ShakeTrigger (DX)
        +– SkillAwardTrigger (DX)
        +– UnTrigger (DX)
        +– ZoneTrigger (DX)