I love the smell of UnrealEd crashing in the morning. – tarquin
UE2:Redeemer (UT2004)
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Default values[edit]
Property | Value | ||||||||||
AIRating | 1.5 | ||||||||||
AttachmentClass | Class'XWeapons.RedeemerAttachment' | ||||||||||
bNotInDemo | True | ||||||||||
BobDamping | 1.4 | ||||||||||
BringUpTime | 0.675 | ||||||||||
CurrentRating | 1.5 | ||||||||||
CustomCrosshair | 13 | ||||||||||
CustomCrossHairColor |
CustomCrossHairScale | 2.0 | ||||||||||
CustomCrossHairTextureName | "Crosshairs.Hud.Crosshair_Circle2" | ||||||||||
DemoReplacement | Class'XWeapons.RocketLauncher' | ||||||||||
Description | Launch a slow-moving but utterly devastating missile with the primary fire; but make sure you're out of the Redeemer's impressive blast radius before it impacts. The secondary fire allows you to guide the nuke yourself with a rocket's-eye view. | Keep in mind, however, that you are vulnerable to attack when steering the Redeemer's projectile. Due to the extreme bulkiness of its ammo, the Redeemer is exhausted after a single shot." | |||||||||
DisplayFOV | 60.0 | ||||||||||
DrawScale | 1.2 | ||||||||||
EffectOffset |
FireModeClass[0] | XWeapons.RedeemerFire | ||||||||||
FireModeClass[1] | XWeapons.RedeemerGuidedFire | ||||||||||
GroupOffset | 1 | ||||||||||
IconCoords |
IconMaterial | Material'HudContent.Generic.HUD' | ||||||||||
InventoryGroup | 0 | ||||||||||
ItemName | "Redeemer" | ||||||||||
Mesh | Mesh'Weapons.Redeemer_1st' | ||||||||||
PickupClass | Class'XWeapons.RedeemerPickup' | ||||||||||
PlayerViewOffset |
PlayerViewPivot |
Priority | 16 | ||||||||||
PutDownAnim | 'PutDown' | ||||||||||
PutDownAnimRate | 1.0 | ||||||||||
PutDownTime | 0.45 | ||||||||||
SelectAnim | 'Pickup' | ||||||||||
SelectAnimRate | 0.667 | ||||||||||
SelectForce | "SwitchToFlakCannon" | ||||||||||
SelectSound | Sound'WeaponSounds.Redeemer_change' | ||||||||||
SmallViewOffset |
simulated event ClientStopFire (int Mode)
Overrides: Weapon.ClientStopFire
event PrebeginPlay ()
Overrides: Actor.PreBeginPlay
simulated event WeaponTick (float dt)
Overrides: Weapon.WeaponTick
Other instance functions[edit]
function byte BestMode ()
Overrides: Weapon.BestMode
function float GetAIRating ()
Overrides: Weapon.GetAIRating
function float SuggestAttackStyle ()
Overrides: Weapon.SuggestAttackStyle
function float SuggestDefenseStyle ()
Overrides: Weapon.SuggestDefenseStyle
simulated function SuperMaxOutAmmo ()
Overrides: Weapon.SuperMaxOutAmmo