UE2:UT2K4Tab_MutatorBase defaults (UT2004)

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site

;Other member categories for this class::

Default values

Property Value
WinHeight 0.77
WinTop 0.15



Class: XInterface.GUISectionBackground

Property Value
BottomPadding 0.0025
Caption "Active Mutators"
LeftPadding 0.0025
RightPadding 0.0025
TopPadding 0.0025
WinHeight 0.547697
WinLeft 0.586876
WinTop 0.036614
WinWidth 0.380859


Class: XInterface.GUISectionBackground

Property Value
BottomPadding 0.0025
Caption "Available Mutators"
LeftPadding 0.0025
RightPadding 0.0025
TopPadding 0.0025
WinHeight 0.547697
WinLeft 0.025156
WinTop 0.036614
WinWidth 0.380859


Class: XInterface.GUISectionBackground

Property Value
BottomPadding 0.0025
Caption "Mutator Details"
LeftPadding 0.0025
RightPadding 0.0025
TopPadding 0.0025
WinHeight 0.291796
WinLeft 0.025976
WinTop 0.610678
WinWidth 0.942969


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
Caption "Add"
Hint "Adds the selection to the list of mutators to play with."
OnClick AddMutator
OnClickSound CS_Up
TabOrder 1
WinHeight 0.05
WinLeft 0.425
WinTop 0.194114
WinWidth 0.145


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
Caption "Add All"
Hint "Adds all mutators to the list of mutators to play with."
OnClick AddAllMutators
OnClickSound CS_Up
TabOrder 2
WinHeight 0.05
WinLeft 0.425
WinTop 0.259218
WinWidth 0.145


Class: XInterface.GUIListBox

Property Value
bSorted True
bVisibleWhenEmpty True
ContextMenu GUIContextMenu'RCMenu'
HandleContextMenuOpen ContextMenuOpen
Hint "These are the available mutators."
OnChange ListChange
StyleName "NoBackground"
TabOrder 0
WinHeight 0.501446
WinLeft 0.026108
WinTop 0.144937
WinWidth 0.378955


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
Caption "Remove All"
Hint "Removes all mutators from the list of mutators to play with."
OnClick RemoveAllMutators
OnClickSound CS_Down
TabOrder 3
WinHeight 0.05
WinLeft 0.425
WinTop 0.360259
WinWidth 0.145


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
bVisible False
Caption "Configure Mutators"
Hint "Configure the selected mutators"
OnClick MutConfigClick
TabOrder 6
WinHeight 0.054648
WinLeft 0.729492
WinTop 0.93349
WinWidth 0.239063


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
Caption "Remove"
Hint "Removes the selection from the list of mutators to play with."
OnClick RemoveMutator
OnClickSound CS_Down
TabOrder 4
WinHeight 0.05
WinLeft 0.425
WinTop 0.424322
WinWidth 0.145


Class: XInterface.GUIScrollTextBox

Property Value
bNeverFocus True
bTabStop False
bVisibleWhenEmpty True
CharDelay 0.0025
EOLDelay 0.5
StyleName "NoBackground"
WinHeight 0.244296
WinLeft 0.028333
WinTop 0.648595
WinWidth 0.938254


Class: XInterface.GUIListBox

Property Value
bSorted True
bVisibleWhenEmpty True
ContextMenu GUIContextMenu'RCMenu'
Hint "These are the current selected mutators."
OnChange ListChange
StyleName "NoBackground"
TabOrder 5
WinHeight 0.501446
WinLeft 0.584376
WinTop 0.144937
WinWidth 0.378955


Class: XInterface.GUIContextMenu

Empty subobject definition.