Worst-case scenario: the UEd Goblin wipes the map and burns down your house.
Legacy:Actor (UT)
This page is the technical specification for the Actor class. See Actor Overview for information on working with actors in UnrealEd.
Objects that have a position in the world are subclassed from Actor. For example brushes, movers, decorations, bots, lights and Triggers (UT). This is an important class because it's the base class for all in-game objects (as in "object oriented programming"), so you'll find really a lot of very important functions and variables defined in this class. UnrealScript beginners ought to take a look at this class's source code.
For this class in UT2003 see the default Actor page.
Many properties that all actors have are defined in the actor base class:
- Actor (UT)/Advanced
- Actor (UT)/Collision – Determines the size and behaviour of the Collision Cylinder
- Actor (UT)/Display
- Actor (UT)/Events
- Actor (UT)/Filter
- Actor (UT)/Lighting and light color
- Actor (UT)/Movement – Location and simple movement
- Actor (UT)/Networking
- Actor (UT)/Object – Actor's name, class and initial state
- Actor (UT)/Sound
Note that all the common properties of the objects editable in UnrealEd (such as movers or Light (UT)s) are just particular public variables of that class that are set editable via specifiers (see UnrealScript Language Reference for more details).
Known subclasses
- Brush
- DamageType (UT)
- Decal
- Decoration (UT)
- Effects (UT)
- HUD (UT)
- Info (UT)
- Inventory (UT) – Things that players can pick up and carry
- Keypoint (UT)
- Light (UT)
- Menu
- NavigationPoint (UT) – Actors for building the bot path network
- Pawn (UT) – Actors that move indepentently (monsters, players etc.)
- Projectile (UT)
- SpawnNotify
- Triggers (UT)
- Actor (UT)/Functions for now, may need to split later
Related Topics
Great Actor Pages Debate on page names & organization: Actor (UT)/Talk