Legacy:Actor Class Hierarchy (UT)
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Here is the Unreal Tournament Class Tree hierarchy from Actor in all its beauty and glory. The Actor class inherits from Object (UT). There are a whole host of non actor classes that might get added in here eventually. One of the things I don't like about the way the class hierarchies have been built is that quite often a subclass exists purely to customise data rather than behaviour.
- The behaviour / data distinction is something we could label here. I agree with you, there are some groups that don't need expanding here, for example: Effects are expanded on the Effects (UT) class page anyway; with Decoration it's worth marking as you have that there's a subtree UTDecoration (it's a pain if you ask me, they could have chosen a name that put it at the top... sigh) – Tarquin
- I'm sure I read somewhere that there is a fairly chunky memory and performance overhead when including any of the original Unreal content in the UnrealTournament levels as the entire Unreal actor tree gets loaded. The actors are diverse at the C++ level so the amount of "code" that UT loads is significantly increased. I'll be damned if I can find the reference I read it in though. It may even only apply to decoration types. – EntropicLqd
Actor (UT) +- Brush | +- Mover (UT) | +- AssertMover | +- AttachMover | +- ElevatorMover | +- GradualMover | +- LoopMover | +- MixMover | +- RotatingMover | +- DamageType (UT) Not used | +- UnrealDamageType | +- Burned | +- Corroded | +- Decapitated | +- Drowned | +- Fell | +- Decal | +- FadeShadow | +- PlayerShadow | +- Scorch | | +- BigEnergyImpact | | +- biomark | | +- BlastMark | | +- BloodSplat | | +- DirectionalBlast | | +- EnergyImpact | | | +- BoltScorch | | +- ImpactHole | | +- NuclearMark | | +- Pock | | +- RipperMark | | +- UTBloodPool | | | +- UTBloodPool2 | | +- WallCrack | | | +- TargetShadow | +- Decoration (UT) How many classes! | +- ut_Decoration | +- Effects (UT) >> | +- HUD (UT) | +- ChallengeHUD | | +- ChallengeTeamHUD | | +- AssaultHUD | | +- ChallengeCTFHUD | | +- ChallengeDominationHUD | | | +- UnrealHUD Not expanded | +- Info (UT) | +- AssaultInfo | +- BotInfo | +- ChallengeBotInfo | +- ClientScriptedTexture | | +- ScrollingMessageTexture | +- CodeMaster | +- EndStats | +- FontInfo | +- GameInfo (UT) | | +- TournamentGameInfo | | | +- DeathMatchPlus | | | | +- ChallengeDMP | | | | +- ChallengeIntro | | | | +- LastManStanding | | | | +- TDarkMatch | | | | +- TeamGamePlus | | | | | +- Assault | | | | | | +- TrainingAS | | | | | +- CTFGame (UT) | | | | | | +- TrainingCTF | | | | | +- Domination | | | | | +- TrainingDOM | | | | | | | | | +- TrainingDM | | | | | | | +- UTIntro | | | +- LadderLoadGame | | | +- LadderNewGame | | | +- LadderTransition | | | +- TrophyGame | | | | | +- UnrealGameInfo Not expanded | | | +- InternetInfo Not expanded | +- Ladder (UT) Not expanded | +- LocalMessage (UT) | | +- LocalMessagePlus | | +- CriticalEventPlus | | | +- CriticalEventLowPlus | | | | +- ControlPointMessage | | | | +- KillingSpreeMessage | | | | +- LMSOutMessage | | | | | | | +- CriticalStringPlus | | | +- CTFMessage | | | +- DeathMatchMessage | | | +- FirstBloodMessage | | | +- TimeMessage | | | | | +- CTFMessage2 | | +- DeathMessagePlus | | | +- EradicatedDeathMessage | | +- DecapitationMessage | | +- ItemMessagePlus | | +- KillerMessagePlus | | +- MultiKillMessage | | +- PickupMessagePlus | | | +- PickupMessageHealthPlus | | +- StringMesagePlus | | | +- RedSayMessagePlus | | | +- SayMessagePlus | | | +- TeamSayMessagePlus | | | | | +- VictimMessage | | | +- MapList Not expanded | +- MeshActor | +- Mutator (UT) | | +- Arena | | | +- FlakArena | | | +- impactarena | | | +- InstaGibDM | | | +- MinigunArena | | | +- PulseArena | | | +- RocketArena | | | +- ShockArena | | | +- SniperArena | | | | | +- ChainsawMelee | | +- DMMutator | | +- FatBoy | | +- InstantRockets | | +- JumpMatch | | +- LowGrav | | +- NoPowerups | | +- NoRedeemer | | +- Relic | | | +- RelicDeath | | | +- RelicDefense | | | +- RelicRedemption | | | +- RelicRegen | | | +- RelicSpeed | | | +- RelicStrength | | | | | +- Stealth | | | +- NewGameInterimObject | +- RatedMatchInfo Not expanded - no plans to at this time | +- RatedTeamInfo Not expanded - no plans to at this time | +- ReplicationInfo | | +- GameReplicationInfo | | | +- TournamentGameReplicationInfo | | | +- CTFReplicationInfo | | +- PlayerReplicationInfo | | +- BotReplicationInfo | | | +- SavedMove | +- ScoreBoard | | +- TournamentScoreBoard | | | +- LMSScoreBoard | | | +- TeamScoreBoard | | | +- AssaultScoreBoard | | | +- DominationScoreBoard | | | +- UnrealCTFScoreBoard | | | | | +- UnrealScoreBoard | | +- UnrealTeamScoreBoard | +- SelectionDude Not expanded | +- ServerInfo Not expanded | | +- ServerInfoTeam | | +- ServerInfoAS | | +- ServerInfoCTF | | +- ServerInfoDOM | | | +- StatLog Not expanded - no plans to at this time | +- TeamInfo | +- TestInfo Not expanded - no plans to at this time | +- VoicePack Not expanded - no plans to at this time | +- ZoneInfo (UT) | +- CloudZone | +- KillingField | +- LavaZone | +- LevelInfo (UT) | +- NitrogenZone | +- PressureZone | +- SkyZoneInfo | | +- RockingSkyZoneInfo | +- SlimeZone | +- TarZone | +- TeleporterZone | +- ToggleZoneInfo | +- VacuumZone | +- WarpZoneInfo | +- WaterZone | +- Inventory (UT) | +- LadderInventory | +- Pickup (UT) | | +- Ammo (UT) | | | +- ASMDAmmo | | | | +- DefaultAmmo | | | +- FlakBox | | | | +- FlakShellAmmo | | | +- NullAmmo | | | +- RazorAmmo | | | +- RifleAmmo | | | | +- RifleRound | | | +- RocketCan | | | +- ShellBox | | | | +- Clip | | | +- Shells | | | +- Sludge | | | +- StingerAmmo | | | +- TournamentAmmo | | | +- BioAmmo | | | +- BladeHopper | | | +- BulletBox | | | | +- RifleShell | | | +- FlakAmmo | | | +- Miniammo | | | | +- EClip | | | +- PAmmo | | | +- RocketPack | | | +- ShockCore | | | | +- SuperShockCore | | | +- WarHeadAmmo | | | | | +- Amplifier | | +- Armor | | +- Dampener | | +- Flare | | +- Flashlight | | | +- SearchLight | | +- ForceField | | +- Health | | | +- Bandages | | | +- NaliFruit | | | +- SuperHealth | | | | | +- Invisibility | | +- JumpBoots | | +- SCUBAGear | | +- Seeds | | +- Shieldbelt | | | +- PowerShield | | +- Suits | | | +- AsbestosSuit | | | +- KevlarSuit | | | +- ToxinSuit | | | | | +- TournamentHealth | | | +- HealthPack | | | +- HealthVial | | | +- MedBox | | | | | +- TournamentPickup | | | +- Armor2 | | | +- RelicInventory | | | | +- RelicDeathInventory | | | | +- RelicDefenseInventory | | | | +- RelicRedemptionInventory | | | | +- RelicRegenInventory | | | | +- RelicSpeedInventory | | | | +- RelicStrengthInventory | | | | | | | +- ThighPads | | | +- UDamage | | | +- UT_invisibility | | | | +- UT_Stealth | | | +- UT_JumpBoots | | | +- UT_ShieldBelt | | | | | +- Translator | | +- VoiceBox | | +- WeaponPowerup | | | +- TrapSpringer | +- Weapon (UT) | +- ASMD | +- AutoMag | +- DispersionPistol | +- Eightball | +- FlakCannon | +- GESBioRifle | +- Minigun | +- QuadShot | +- Razorjack | +- Rifle | +- Stinger | +- TournamentWeapon | +- Chainsaw | +- Enforcer | | +- DoubleEnforcer | +- ImpactHammer | +- Minigun | +- PulseGun | +- ripper | +- ShockRifle | | +- SuperShockRifle | +- SniperRifle | +- Translocator | +- ut_biorifle | +- UT_Eightball | +- UT_FlakCannon | +- WarheadLauncher | +- Keypoint (UT) | +- AmbientSound (UT) | +- BlockAll | +- BlockMonsters | +- BlockPlayer | +- ClipMarker | +- DynamicAmbientSound | +- Earthquake | | +- CH_Earthquake | +- GuardPoint | +- HoldSpot | +- InterpolationPoint | +- LocationID | +- MakeNaliFriendly | +- ObjectPath | +- OEMEnd | +- PathPoint | +- RockSlide | | +- MagmaBurst | +- SpectatorCam | | +- QuakeCam | +- ThingFactory | | +- CreatureFactory | +- ThrowStuff | +- TriggeredAmbientSound | +- WayBeacon | +- Light (UT) | +- ChargeLight | +- DistanceLighting | +- FlashLightBeam | +- OverheadLight | +- QueenTeleportLight | +- SightLight | +- SpotLight | +- TorchFlame | +- TriggerLight There are two identical TriggerLight actors in Engine and UnrealShare. | +- TriggerLightRad | +- WeaponLight | +- EffectLight | +- PurpleLight | +- Menu Not expanded - no plans to at this time | +- NavigationPoint (UT) >> | +- Pawn (UT) | +- Bot (UT) | | +- HumanBotPlus | | | +- FemaleBotPlus | | | | +- TFemaleBot1 | | | | +- TFemaleBot2 | | | | | | | +- MaleBotPlus | | | +- TBossBot | | | +- TMale1Bot | | | +- TMale2Bot | | | | | +- SkaarjBot | | | +- Bots Not expanded | +- FlockMasterPawn Not expanded | +- FlockPawn Not expanded | +- PlayerPawn Not expanded | +- Scout Not expanded | +- ScriptedPawn Not expanded | +- StationaryPawn Not expanded | +- Projectile (UT) Not expanded +- ShareSounds +- SpawnNotify +- Triggers (UT) >>