Cogito, ergo sum
UE2:Actor native functions (UT2004)
- 1 Audio functions
- 2 Physics functions
- 2.1 Unreal physics functions
- 2.1.1 AttachToBone
- 2.1.2 AutonomousPhysics
- 2.1.3 DetachFromBone
- 2.1.4 FastTrace
- 2.1.5 GetClosestBone
- 2.1.6 IsJoinedTo
- 2.1.7 Move
- 2.1.8 MoveSmooth
- 2.1.9 OnlyAffectPawns
- 2.1.10 SetBase
- 2.1.11 SetCollision
- 2.1.12 SetCollisionSize
- 2.1.13 SetLocation
- 2.1.14 SetPhysics
- 2.1.15 SetRelativeLocation
- 2.1.16 SetRelativeRotation
- 2.1.17 SetRotation
- 2.1.18 SuggestFallVelocity
- 2.1.19 Trace
- 2.1.20 TraceThisActor
- 2.2 Karma physics functions
- 2.2.1 KAddAngularImpulse
- 2.2.2 KAddImpulse
- 2.2.3 KDisableCollision
- 2.2.4 KEnableCollision
- 2.2.5 KGetActorGravScale
- 2.2.6 KGetCOMOffset
- 2.2.7 KGetCOMPosition
- 2.2.8 KGetDampingProps
- 2.2.9 KGetFriction
- 2.2.10 KGetImpactThreshold
- 2.2.11 KGetInertiaTensor
- 2.2.12 KGetMass
- 2.2.13 KGetSkelMass
- 2.2.14 KIsAwake
- 2.2.15 KScaleJointLimits
- 2.2.16 KSetActorGravScale
- 2.2.17 KSetBlockKarma
- 2.2.18 KSetCOMOffset
- 2.2.19 KSetDampingProps
- 2.2.20 KSetFriction
- 2.2.21 KSetImpactThreshold
- 2.2.22 KSetInertiaTensor
- 2.2.23 KSetMass
- 2.2.24 KSetRestitution
- 2.2.25 KSetSimParams
- 2.2.26 KWake
- 2.3 Karma rigid body functions
- 2.4 Karma ragdoll functions
- 2.1 Unreal physics functions
- 3 Animation-related functions
- 3.1 Mesh animations
- 3.1.1 AnimBlendParams
- 3.1.2 AnimBlendToAlpha
- 3.1.3 AnimIsInGroup
- 3.1.4 AnimStopLooping
- 3.1.5 EnableChannelNotify
- 3.1.6 FreezeAnimAt
- 3.1.7 GetAnimParams
- 3.1.8 GetNotifyChannel
- 3.1.9 HasAnim
- 3.1.10 IsAnimating
- 3.1.11 IsTweening
- 3.1.12 LinkSkelAnim
- 3.1.13 LockRootMotion
- 3.1.14 LoopAnim
- 3.1.15 PlayAnim
- 3.1.16 SetAnimFrame
- 3.1.17 StopAnimating
- 3.1.18 TweenAnim
- 3.2 LIPSinc animations
- 3.3 Controlling individual bones
- 3.1 Mesh animations
- 4 Force-feedback functions
- 5 Rendering-related functions
- 6 Other native functions
- 6.1 AddToPackageMap
- 6.2 Clock
- 6.3 ConsoleCommand
- 6.4 CopyObjectToClipboard
- 6.5 DebugClock
- 6.6 DebugUnclock
- 6.7 Destroy
- 6.8 Error
- 6.9 GetCacheEntry
- 6.10 GetMapName
- 6.11 GetMeshName
- 6.12 GetNextInt
- 6.13 GetNextIntDesc
- 6.14 GetNextSkin
- 6.15 GetURLMap
- 6.16 GetUrlOption
- 6.17 MakeNoise
- 6.18 MoveCacheEntry
- 6.19 PlayerCanSeeMe
- 6.20 SetOwner
- 6.21 SetTimer
- 6.22 Spawn
- 6.23 UnClock
- 6.24 UpdateURL
- Actor native functions in other games:
- RTNP, U1, UT, U2, U2XMP, UE2Runtime, UT2003, UT3, UDK
- Other member categories for this class:
- enums, events, instance functions, internal variables, properties
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Audio functions
Sound playback[edit]
Internal function to records sounds when recording demos. "Replicates" sound playback to the DemoRecSpectator. You shouldn't have to call this directly as it is automatically called by PlaySound and PlayOwnedSound when a demo is being recorded locally.
Returns the length of a sound in real seconds, i.e. not scaled by Level.TimeDilation.
Plays a sound locally. When called on a server, the sound is played locally and broadcasted to all clients that could possibly hear the sound, except to the client owning the actor. Clientsidely this function just plays the sound.
The idea behind this selective broadcasting is that the client knows when to play the sound through its own simulation code. This makes it easier to e.g. synchronize sounds to the animations of the selected weapon.
- Parameters
- See PlaySound. The only difference is that Attenuate defaults to False because this function's main use is for playing sounds of the selected weapon and other player inventory.
Plays a sound, optionally with additional parameters like volume and sound pitch.
This is the only function where it matters where it was called from: Serversidely PlaySound determines whether it should broadcast the sound playback to all clients by examinating whether it was called from a simulated function. If it was, the sound will only be played locally for a listen server or serverside demorecording. If the calling function does not have the simulated modifier, the sound is broadcasted to all players that could potentially hear the sound. Clientsidely this function just plays the sound.
- Parameters
- Sound - the sound to play. Could also be a SoundGroup or ProceduralSound.
- Slot - a sound slot to play the sound in. Only one sound can play per actor and slot. Never use SLOT_Ambient here, use the AmbientSound property instead. Defaults to SLOT_Misc if omitted.
- Volume - the volume to play the sound at. Defaults to TransientSoundVolume. If the actor has an Instigator that owns the actor or if the Actor is its own Instigator, the volume is scaled by the Instigator's SoundDampening value.
- bNoOverride - prevents the sound from being overridden by later sounds being played in the same sound slot of the same actor. Defaults to False.
- Radius - overrides the sound's default radius. Defaults to TransientSoundRadius if omitted. If zero, the sound's default radius.
- Pitch - overrides the playback pitch of the sound. Values greater than 1.0 speed up the sound and make it sound higher, values less than 1.0 make it slower and sound deeper. Defaults to 1.0 if omitted.
- Attenuate - whether to use 3D positional playback for the player owning the actor playing the sound. Defaults to True. Specifying False has no effect if the actor is not owned by the player hearing the sound. For replicated sounds this only has an effect if the actor playing the sound is relevant to the client.
Music playback[edit]
Sets the volume of the stream identified by the handle value.
Changes whether regular game music should be played. Used by the music player to disable map music while playing custom music. Does not affect stream music.
Pauses the music stream specified by the handle value.
Creates a new game music track and starts playing the specified song through it. Returns a handle value for the track, which can be used to stop only this music track with StopMusic().
Creates a new music stream and starts playing it. Returns a handle value for the stream, which can be used to pause or stop the playback or change the volume.
Sets a new playback position on the music stream identified by the handle value.
Stops all game music tracks currently playing.
Stops the game music track identified by the handle value.
Stops the stream music track identified by the handle value.
Used the operating system's text-to-speech system (if available) to synthesize voice output.
- Parameters
- Text - the text to speak.
- Volume - the output volume.
Physics functions
The following things need to be done on this page or in this section:
Unreal physics functions[edit]
Attaches another actor to a specific skeletal mesh bone of this actor. If no bone name was specified, the actor is directly attached to this actor. Returns False on failure, including when this actor does not have a mesh.
As part of the attachment process, the other actor's Base is set to this actor and the actor is added to this actor's Attached array.
Undoes the effects of AttachToBone(Attachment) by separating the specified actor from this actor. Returns False if this actor does not have a mesh to detach the specified actor from.
Performs a zero-width line trace from TraceStart to TraceEnd (both absolute world coordinates) and returns True if it did not hit any world geometry between the two points.
If the actor has a skeletal mesh, this function will return the name of the bone closest to the specified trace ray. The BiasBone will be preferred if it is not further away from the trace ray than BiasDist. If no BiasBone was specified or the trace ray didn't get close enough to it, the closest bone to the trace ray is returned.
The most important use for this function is to detect locational hits, especially head shots with the sniper rifle (ClassicSniperRifle) and lightning gun (SniperRifle).
Checks whether this actor is somehow joined to the other actor, either through regular attachment with AttachToBone or SetBase functions or via any KConstraint actor.
Moves this actor by the delta vector and checks for collisions according to the actor's collision settings. Unlike SetLocation, the collision checks are performed for the entire movement path.
Smoothly moves the actor by the delta vector and checks for collisions according to the actor's collision settings. Like Move, collision checks are performed for the entire path, but additionally the actor is moved along a hit wall instead of just stopping there.
Modifies the value of bOnlyAffectPawns, i.e. whether this actor ignores any collisions with non-Pawn actors.
Attaches the actor to a new base actor and optionally specifies a new floor normal.
Adjusts this actor's collision settings. Another important collision setting, bCollideWorld, can be manipulated directly.
Sets the size of this actor's collision cylinder.
Sets this actor's Location. At the target location, a collision check is performed according to the collision settings. If this actor collides with world geometry and the target location is inside a wall, SetLocation first attempts to adjust the location so the actor fits there. If that fails, the actor stays where it was before the SetLocation call and this function returns False.
Adjusts the actor's Physics mode.
Sets the RelativeLocation for an attached actor.
Sets the RelativeRotation for an attached actor.
Sets the Rotation of this actor. If the actor does not fit in its current location due to the newly aligned collision shape, this function returns False. Note that the default collision cylinder is not actually affected by thew actor's rotation.
Attempts to calculate a velocity vector so that an actor starting at Start ends up at Destination if only affected by gravity. The MaxZ and MaxXYSpeed parameters specify the maximum vertical and horizontal velocity magnitudes allowed for the return value.
This function is used by the AI to determine the fire direction for grenade-like projectiles, to find out whether a jump is possible and to calculate the jump velocity for regular and impact jumps.
Performs a line check and returns the first actor that was hit. Returns the map's LevelInfo if a BSP surface was hit and None
if nothing was hit.
- HitLocation - returns the world location where the trace has hit an actor. Origin if nothing was hit.
- HitNormal - returns a unit vector pointing away from the hit actor's surface. Returns the zero vector if nothing was hit.
- TraceEnd - the target world location to trace towards.
- TraceStart - the source world location to start tracing from. Defaults to the actor's location if omitted.
- bTraceActors - whether all colliding actors should be traced. If False, only world geometry is traced. Defaults to True if the calling actor can collide (bCollideActors), otherwise defaults to False.
- Extent - the trace extent. Defaults to the zero vector, which performs a simple line check. Non-zero extents should have the same positive value for all three vector components, otherwise results may be unpredictable.
- Material - returns the hit surface material for BSP or terrain,
for other types of hit actors. For terrain the "most dominant" material of the hit terrain section is used, based on the average layer alpha values on that terrain section.
Performs a trace check on the collision of the calling actor and returns True if it did not hit this actor. World geometry and other actors are ignored.
Karma physics functions[edit]
Karma rigid body functions[edit]
Karma ragdoll functions[edit]