UE2:Tab_PlayerSettings defaults (UT2004)

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Tab_PlayerSettings defaults in other games:
Other member categories for this class:

Default values



Class: XInterface.GUIImage

Property Value
bAcceptsInput True
bVisible False
Image Material'InterfaceContent.Menu.BorderBoxA'
Member Value
A 160
B 255
G 255
R 255
ImageStyle ISTY_Stretched
OnClick NextAnim
OnClickSound CS_Click
WinHeight 0.742383
WinLeft 0.506132
WinTop 0.156
WinWidth 0.472071


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
Caption "3D View"
Hint "Toggle between 3D view and biography of character."
OnClick Toggle3DView
WinHeight 0.05
WinLeft 0.62
WinTop 0.977868
WinWidth 0.25


Class: XInterface.GUIImage

Property Value
Image Material'InterfaceContent.Menu.BorderBoxD'
Member Value
A 160
B 255
G 255
R 255
ImageRenderStyle MSTY_Alpha
ImageStyle ISTY_Stretched
WinHeight 0.377694
WinLeft 0.506016
WinTop 0.008854
WinWidth 0.434062


Class: XInterface.GUICharacterListTeam

Property Value
Hint "Changes the character you play as."
IniOption "@Internal"
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
StyleName "CharButton"
WinHeight 0.189297
WinLeft 0.036465
WinTop 0.813543
WinWidth 0.453729


Class: XInterface.moNumericEdit

Property Value
Caption "Default FOV"
CaptionWidth 0.65
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "This value will change your field of view while playing."
IniDefault "85"
IniOption "@INTERNAL"
MaxValue 100
MinValue 80
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
WinHeight 0.06
WinLeft 0.524766
WinTop 0.228123
WinWidth 0.39375


Class: XInterface.moComboBox

Property Value
Caption "Weapon"
CaptionWidth 0.65
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Changes whether your weapon is visible."
IniDefault "High"
IniOption "@INTERNAL"
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
WinHeight 0.06
WinLeft 0.524766
WinTop 0.130729
WinWidth 0.39375


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
bNeverFocus True
bRepeatClick True
OnClick InternalOnClick
OnClickSound CS_Down
StyleName "ArrowLeft"
WinHeight 0.084414
WinLeft 7.81E-4
WinTop 0.88646
WinWidth 0.043555


Class: XInterface.moEditBox

Property Value
Caption "Name"
CaptionWidth 0.25
Hint "Changes the alias you play as."
IniDefault "Player"
IniOption "@INTERNAL"
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
WinHeight 0.06
WinLeft 0.121093
WinTop 0.714063
WinWidth 0.3


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
Caption "Play List"
Hint "Configure your OGG Play List."
OnClick PlayList
WinHeight 0.05
WinLeft 0.62
WinTop 0.91875
WinWidth 0.25


Class: XInterface.GUIImage

Property Value
Image Material'InterfaceContent.Menu.BorderBoxD'
Member Value
A 255
B 255
G 255
R 255
ImageRenderStyle MSTY_Normal
ImageStyle ISTY_Scaled
WinHeight 0.637
WinLeft 0.17225
WinTop 0.024583
WinWidth 0.183


Class: XInterface.GUIImage

Property Value
Image Material'InterfaceContent.Menu.BorderBoxA1'
Member Value
A 255
B 255
G 255
R 255
ImageRenderStyle MSTY_Normal
ImageStyle ISTY_Stretched
WinHeight 0.647875
WinLeft 0.168687
WinTop 0.0185
WinWidth 0.188563


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
bNeverFocus True
bRepeatClick True
OnClick InternalOnClick
OnClickSound CS_Up
StyleName "ArrowRight"
WinHeight 0.084414
WinLeft 0.479688
WinTop 0.88646
WinWidth 0.043555


Class: XInterface.GUIScrollTextBox

Property Value
bNeverFocus True
CharDelay 0.0025
EOLDelay 0.5
WinHeight 0.39707
WinLeft 0.506132
WinTop 0.406
WinWidth 0.472071


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
Caption "Small Weapons"
CaptionWidth 0.9
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Makes your first person weapon smaller."
IniDefault "False"
IniOption "@Internal"
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.521875
WinTop 0.318333
WinWidth 0.39375


Class: XInterface.moComboBox

Property Value
Caption "Preferred Team"
CaptionWidth 0.65
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Changes the team you will play on by default."
IniDefault "Red"
IniOption "@Internal"
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
WinHeight 0.06
WinLeft 0.524766
WinTop 0.036979
WinWidth 0.39375