There is no spoon
UE2:UT2K4Tab_HudSettings defaults (UT2004)
Object >> GUI >> GUIComponent >> GUIMultiComponent >> GUIPanel >> GUITabPanel >> UT2K4TabPanel >> Settings_Tabs >> UT2K4Tab_HudSettings (defaults) |
- 1 Default values
- 2 Subobjects
- 2.1 CustomHUDButton
- 2.2 CustomHUDColor
- 2.3 CustomHUDSelect
- 2.4 GameBK
- 2.5 GameBK1
- 2.6 GameDeathMsgs
- 2.7 GameHudMessageCount
- 2.8 GameHudMessageOffset
- 2.9 GameHudMessageScale
- 2.10 GameHudOpacity
- 2.11 GameHudScale
- 2.12 GameHudShowEnemyNames
- 2.13 GameHudShowPersonalInfo
- 2.14 GameHudShowPortraits
- 2.15 GameHudShowScore
- 2.16 GameHUDShowVCPortraits
- 2.17 GameHudShowWeaponBar
- 2.18 GameHudShowWeaponInfo
- 2.19 GameHudVisible
- 2.20 HudColorB
- 2.21 HudColorG
- 2.22 HudColorR
- 2.23 Preview
- 2.24 PreviewBackground
- 2.25 PreviewBK
;Other member categories for this class::UT2K4Tab HudSettings properties
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Default values[edit]
Property | Value |
PanelCaption | "HUD" |
WinHeight | 0.74 |
WinTop | 0.15 |
Class: XInterface.GUIButton
Property | Value |
Caption | "Configure" |
Hint | "Opens the custom HUD configuration menu for the specified gametype." |
OnClick | InternalOnClick |
TabOrder | 19 |
WinHeight | 0.05 |
WinLeft | 0.792737 |
WinTop | 0.869032 |
WinWidth | 0.138577 |
Class: XInterface.moCheckBox
Property | Value |
bAutoSizeCaption | True |
bSquare | True |
Caption | "Custom HUD Color" |
CaptionWidth | 0.9 |
ComponentJustification | TXTA_Left |
Hint | "Use configured HUD color instead of team colors" |
IniOption | "@Internal" |
OnChange | InternalOnChange |
OnLoadINI | InternalOnLoadINI |
TabOrder | 14 |
WinLeft | 0.555313 |
WinTop | 0.481406 |
WinWidth | 0.373749 |
Class: XInterface.GUIComboBox
Property | Value |
bReadOnly | True |
Hint | "To configure settings specific to a particular gametype, select the gametype from the list, then click the button to open the menu." |
TabOrder | 18 |
WinHeight | 0.03 |
WinLeft | 0.553579 |
WinTop | 0.878722 |
WinWidth | 0.227863 |
Class: XInterface.GUISectionBackground
Property | Value |
Caption | "Options" |
RenderWeight | 0.0010 |
WinHeight | 0.901485 |
WinLeft | 0.031797 |
WinTop | 0.057604 |
WinWidth | 0.448633 |
Class: XInterface.GUISectionBackground
Property | Value |
Caption | "Visuals" |
RenderWeight | 0.0010 |
WinHeight | 0.901485 |
WinLeft | 0.517578 |
WinTop | 0.060208 |
WinWidth | 0.448633 |
Class: XInterface.moCheckBox
Property | Value |
bAutoSizeCaption | True |
bSquare | True |
Caption | "No Console Death Messages" |
CaptionWidth | 0.9 |
ComponentJustification | TXTA_Left |
Hint | "Turn off reporting of death messages in console" |
IniDefault | "False" |
IniOption | "@Internal" |
OnChange | InternalOnChange |
OnLoadINI | InternalOnLoadINI |
TabOrder | 8 |
WinLeft | 0.04746 |
WinTop | 0.847553 |
WinWidth | 0.403711 |
Class: XInterface.moNumericEdit
Property | Value |
bAutoSizeCaption | True |
Caption | "Max. Chat Count" |
CaptionWidth | 0.7 |
ComponentJustification | TXTA_Left |
Hint | "Number of lines of chat to display at once" |
IniOption | "@Internal" |
MaxValue | 8 |
MinValue | 0 |
OnChange | InternalOnChange |
OnLoadINI | InternalOnLoadINI |
TabOrder | 9 |
WinLeft | 0.550781 |
WinTop | 0.196875 |
WinWidth | 0.38125 |
Class: XInterface.moNumericEdit
Property | Value |
bAutoSizeCaption | True |
Caption | "Message Font Offset" |
CaptionWidth | 0.7 |
ComponentJustification | TXTA_Left |
Hint | "Adjust the size of game messages." |
IniOption | "@Internal" |
MaxValue | 4 |
MinValue | 0 |
OnChange | InternalOnChange |
OnLoadINI | InternalOnLoadINI |
TabOrder | 11 |
WinLeft | 0.550781 |
WinTop | 0.436457 |
WinWidth | 0.38125 |
Class: XInterface.moNumericEdit
Property | Value |
bAutoSizeCaption | True |
Caption | "Chat Font Size" |
CaptionWidth | 0.7 |
ComponentJustification | TXTA_Left |
Hint | "Adjust the size of chat messages." |
IniOption | "@Internal" |
MaxValue | 8 |
MinValue | 0 |
OnChange | InternalOnChange |
OnLoadINI | InternalOnLoadINI |
TabOrder | 10 |
WinLeft | 0.550781 |
WinTop | 0.321874 |
WinWidth | 0.38125 |
Class: XInterface.moSlider
Property | Value | ||||||||||
bAutoSizeCaption | True | ||||||||||
Caption | "HUD Opacity" | ||||||||||
CaptionWidth | 0.45 | ||||||||||
ComponentJustification | TXTA_Left | ||||||||||
ComponentWidth | -1.0 | ||||||||||
Hint | "Adjust the transparency of the HUD" | ||||||||||
LabelColor |
LabelJustification | TXTA_Center | ||||||||||
MaxValue | 100.0 | ||||||||||
MinValue | 51.0 | ||||||||||
OnChange | InternalOnChange | ||||||||||
TabOrder | 13 | ||||||||||
WinLeft | 0.555313 | ||||||||||
WinTop | 0.361753 | ||||||||||
WinWidth | 0.373749 |
Class: XInterface.moSlider
Property | Value | ||||||||||
bAutoSizeCaption | True | ||||||||||
Caption | "HUD Scaling" | ||||||||||
CaptionWidth | 0.45 | ||||||||||
ComponentJustification | TXTA_Left | ||||||||||
ComponentWidth | -1.0 | ||||||||||
Hint | "Adjust the size of the HUD" | ||||||||||
LabelColor |
LabelJustification | TXTA_Center | ||||||||||
MaxValue | 100.0 | ||||||||||
MinValue | 50.0 | ||||||||||
OnChange | InternalOnChange | ||||||||||
TabOrder | 12 | ||||||||||
WinLeft | 0.555313 | ||||||||||
WinTop | 0.30967 | ||||||||||
WinWidth | 0.373749 |
Class: XInterface.moCheckBox
Property | Value |
bAutoSizeCaption | True |
bSquare | True |
Caption | "Show Enemy Names" |
CaptionWidth | 0.9 |
ComponentJustification | TXTA_Left |
Hint | "Display enemies' names above their heads" |
IniOption | "@Internal" |
OnChange | InternalOnChange |
OnLoadINI | InternalOnLoadINI |
TabOrder | 1 |
WinLeft | 0.05 |
WinTop | 0.848594 |
WinWidth | 0.378125 |
Class: XInterface.moCheckBox
Property | Value |
bAutoSizeCaption | True |
bSquare | True |
Caption | "Show Personal Info" |
CaptionWidth | 0.9 |
ComponentJustification | TXTA_Left |
Hint | "Display health and armor on the HUD." |
IniOption | "@Internal" |
OnChange | InternalOnChange |
OnLoadINI | InternalOnLoadINI |
TabOrder | 4 |
WinLeft | 0.05 |
WinTop | 0.317343 |
WinWidth | 0.378125 |
Class: XInterface.moCheckBox
Property | Value |
bAutoSizeCaption | True |
bSquare | True |
Caption | "Show Portraits" |
CaptionWidth | 0.9 |
ComponentJustification | TXTA_Left |
Hint | "Display player portraits when text messages are received" |
IniOption | "@Internal" |
OnChange | InternalOnChange |
OnLoadINI | InternalOnLoadINI |
TabOrder | 6 |
WinLeft | 0.05 |
WinTop | 0.723594 |
WinWidth | 0.378125 |
Class: XInterface.moCheckBox
Property | Value |
bAutoSizeCaption | True |
bSquare | True |
Caption | "Show Score" |
CaptionWidth | 0.9 |
ComponentJustification | TXTA_Left |
Hint | "Check to show scores on the HUD" |
IniOption | "@Internal" |
OnChange | InternalOnChange |
OnLoadINI | InternalOnLoadINI |
TabOrder | 5 |
WinLeft | 0.05 |
WinTop | 0.45276 |
WinWidth | 0.378125 |
Class: XInterface.moCheckBox
Property | Value |
bAutoSizeCaption | True |
bSquare | True |
Caption | "Show VoIP Portraits" |
CaptionWidth | 0.9 |
ComponentJustification | TXTA_Left |
Hint | "Display player portraits when voice chat messages are received" |
IniOption | "@Internal" |
OnChange | InternalOnChange |
OnLoadINI | InternalOnLoadINI |
TabOrder | 7 |
WinLeft | 0.05 |
WinTop | 0.723594 |
WinWidth | 0.378125 |
Class: XInterface.moCheckBox
Property | Value |
bAutoSizeCaption | True |
Caption | "Weapon Bar" |
CaptionWidth | 0.9 |
ComponentJustification | TXTA_Left |
Hint | "Select whether the weapons bar should appear on the HUD" |
IniOption | "@Internal" |
OnChange | InternalOnChange |
OnLoadINI | InternalOnLoadINI |
TabOrder | 2 |
WinLeft | 0.05 |
WinTop | 0.598593 |
WinWidth | 0.378125 |
Class: XInterface.moCheckBox
Property | Value |
bAutoSizeCaption | True |
bSquare | True |
Caption | "Show Weapon Info" |
CaptionWidth | 0.9 |
ComponentJustification | TXTA_Left |
Hint | "Show current weapon ammunition status." |
IniOption | "@Internal" |
OnChange | InternalOnChange |
OnLoadINI | InternalOnLoadINI |
TabOrder | 3 |
WinLeft | 0.05 |
WinTop | 0.181927 |
WinWidth | 0.378125 |
Class: XInterface.moCheckBox
Property | Value |
bAutoSizeCaption | True |
bSquare | True |
Caption | "Hide HUD" |
CaptionWidth | 0.9 |
ComponentJustification | TXTA_Left |
Hint | "Hide the HUD while playing" |
IniOption | "@Internal" |
OnChange | InternalOnChange |
OnLoadINI | InternalOnLoadINI |
TabOrder | 0 |
WinLeft | 0.379297 |
WinTop | 0.043906 |
WinWidth | 0.196875 |
Class: XInterface.moSlider
Property | Value | ||||||||||
bAutoSizeCaption | True | ||||||||||
bIntSlider | True | ||||||||||
Caption | "Blue:" | ||||||||||
CaptionWidth | 0.35 | ||||||||||
ComponentJustification | TXTA_Right | ||||||||||
ComponentWidth | -1.0 | ||||||||||
Hint | "Adjust the amount of blue in the HUD." | ||||||||||
LabelColor |
LabelJustification | TXTA_Left | ||||||||||
MaxValue | 255.0 | ||||||||||
MinValue | 0.0 | ||||||||||
OnChange | InternalOnChange | ||||||||||
TabOrder | 16 | ||||||||||
WinLeft | 0.61 | ||||||||||
WinTop | 0.7525 | ||||||||||
WinWidth | 0.272187 |
Class: XInterface.moSlider
Property | Value | ||||||||||
bAutoSizeCaption | True | ||||||||||
bIntSlider | True | ||||||||||
Caption | "Green:" | ||||||||||
CaptionWidth | 0.35 | ||||||||||
ComponentJustification | TXTA_Right | ||||||||||
ComponentWidth | -1.0 | ||||||||||
Hint | "Adjust the amount of green in the HUD." | ||||||||||
LabelColor |
LabelJustification | TXTA_Left | ||||||||||
MaxValue | 255.0 | ||||||||||
MinValue | 0.0 | ||||||||||
OnChange | InternalOnChange | ||||||||||
TabOrder | 17 | ||||||||||
WinLeft | 0.61 | ||||||||||
WinTop | 0.660417 | ||||||||||
WinWidth | 0.272187 |
Class: XInterface.moSlider
Property | Value | ||||||||||
bAutoSizeCaption | True | ||||||||||
bIntSlider | True | ||||||||||
Caption | "Red:" | ||||||||||
CaptionWidth | 0.35 | ||||||||||
ComponentJustification | TXTA_Right | ||||||||||
ComponentWidth | -1.0 | ||||||||||
Hint | "Adjust the amount of red in the HUD." | ||||||||||
LabelColor |
LabelJustification | TXTA_Left | ||||||||||
MaxValue | 255.0 | ||||||||||
MinValue | 0.0 | ||||||||||
OnChange | InternalOnChange | ||||||||||
TabOrder | 15 | ||||||||||
WinLeft | 0.61 | ||||||||||
WinTop | 0.572917 | ||||||||||
WinWidth | 0.272187 |
Class: XInterface.GUIImage
Property | Value | ||||||||||
Image | Material'HUDContent.Generic.HUD' | ||||||||||
ImageAlign | IMGA_Center | ||||||||||
ImageColor |
ImageRenderStyle | MSTY_Alpha | ||||||||||
ImageStyle | ISTY_Scaled | ||||||||||
RenderWeight | 1.003 | ||||||||||
WinHeight | 0.099531 | ||||||||||
WinLeft | 0.749828 | ||||||||||
WinTop | 0.211559 | ||||||||||
WinWidth | 0.063241 | ||||||||||
X1 | 74 | ||||||||||
X2 | 123 | ||||||||||
Y1 | 165 | ||||||||||
Y2 | 216 |
Class: XInterface.GUIImage
Property | Value | ||||||||||
Image | Material'HUDContent.Generic.HUD' | ||||||||||
ImageAlign | IMGA_Center | ||||||||||
ImageColor |
ImageRenderStyle | MSTY_Alpha | ||||||||||
ImageStyle | ISTY_Scaled | ||||||||||
RenderWeight | 1.002 | ||||||||||
WinHeight | 0.121797 | ||||||||||
WinLeft | 0.749335 | ||||||||||
WinTop | 0.211713 | ||||||||||
WinWidth | 0.163437 | ||||||||||
X1 | 0 | ||||||||||
X2 | 166 | ||||||||||
Y1 | 110 | ||||||||||
Y2 | 163 |
Class: XInterface.GUIImage
Property | Value | ||||||||||
Image | Material'2K4Menus.NewControls.NewTabBK' | ||||||||||
ImageAlign | IMGA_Center | ||||||||||
ImageColor |
ImageRenderStyle | MSTY_Alpha | ||||||||||
ImageStyle | ISTY_Scaled | ||||||||||
RenderWeight | 1.001 | ||||||||||
WinHeight | 0.121797 | ||||||||||
WinLeft | 0.749335 | ||||||||||
WinTop | 0.211713 | ||||||||||
WinWidth | 0.163437 |