UE2:UT2K4Tab_PlayerSettings defaults (UT2004)

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site

;Other member categories for this class::

Default values

Property Value
PanelCaption "Player"
WinHeight 0.72
WinTop 0.15



Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
Caption "Change Character"
Hint "Select a new Character."
OnClick PickModel
TabOrder 2
WinHeight 0.05
WinLeft 0.177174
WinTop 0.901559
WinWidth 0.233399


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
bCaptureMouse True
bDropTarget True
bNeverFocus True
bTabStop False
Caption ""
Hint ""
MouseCursorIndex 5
OnCapturedMouseMove RaceCapturedMouseMove
StyleName "NoBackground"
WinHeight 0.798132
WinLeft 0.013071
WinTop 0.114426
WinWidth 0.427141


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
Caption "3D View"
Hint "Toggle between 3D view and portrait of character."
OnClick Toggle3DView
TabOrder 1
WinHeight 0.05
WinLeft 0.043685
WinTop 0.901559
WinWidth 0.13072


Class: XInterface.GUISectionBackground

Property Value
Caption "3D View"
WinHeight 0.963631
WinLeft 0.004063
WinTop 0.017969
WinWidth 0.446758


Class: XInterface.GUISectionBackground

Property Value
Caption "Misc."
WinHeight 0.573006
WinLeft 0.463047
WinTop 0.017969
WinWidth 0.531719


Class: XInterface.GUISectionBackground

Property Value
bFillClient True
BottomPadding 0.02
Caption "Biography"
LeftPadding 0.02
RightPadding 0.02
TopPadding 0.02
WinHeight 0.372811
WinLeft 0.463047
WinTop 0.610417
WinWidth 0.531719


Class: XInterface.moNumericEdit

Property Value
bHeightFromComponent False
Caption "Default FOV"
CaptionWidth 0.7
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "This value will change your field of view while playing."
IniDefault "85"
IniOption "@INTERNAL"
MaxValue 100
MinValue 80
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
TabOrder 5
WinLeft 0.70543
WinTop 0.076042
WinWidth 0.266797


Class: XInterface.moComboBox

Property Value
bAutoSizeCaption True
bReadOnly True
Caption "Weapon Hand"
CaptionWidth 0.7
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Changes whether your weapon is visible."
IniDefault "Right"
IniOption "@INTERNAL"
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
TabOrder 7
WinLeft 0.70543
WinTop 0.212761
WinWidth 0.264766


Class: XInterface.moEditBox

Property Value
bAutoSizeCaption True
Caption "Name"
CaptionWidth 0.5
Hint "Changes the alias you play as."
IniDefault "Player"
IniOption "@INTERNAL"
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
TabOrder 3
WinLeft 0.301757
WinTop 0.076042
WinWidth 0.373242


Class: XInterface.GUIImage

Property Value
Image Material'2K4Menus.Controls.thinpipe_b'
Member Value
A 255
B 255
G 255
R 255
ImageRenderStyle MSTY_Normal
ImageStyle ISTY_Scaled
IniOption "@Internal"
OnDraw InternalDraw
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
RenderWeight 0.3
WinHeight 0.798132
WinLeft 0.057016
WinTop 0.094895
WinWidth 0.334368


Class: XInterface.GUIScrollTextBox

Property Value
CharDelay 0.0025
EOLDelay 0.5
StyleName "NoBackground"
TabOrder 9
WinHeight 0.260351
WinLeft 0.291288
WinTop 0.321365
WinWidth 0.686915


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bHeightFromComponent False
bSquare True
Caption "Small Weapons"
CaptionWidth 0.94
ComponentJustification TXTA_Right
Hint "Makes your first person weapon smaller."
IniDefault "False"
IniOption "@Internal"
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
TabOrder 8
WinLeft 0.70543
WinTop 0.150261
WinWidth 0.266797


Class: XInterface.moComboBox

Property Value
bAutoSizeCaption True
bReadOnly True
Caption "Preferred Team"
CaptionWidth 0.7
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Changes the team you will play on by default."
IniDefault "Red"
IniOption "@Internal"
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
TabOrder 6
WinLeft 0.301757
WinTop 0.150261
WinWidth 0.374219


Class: XInterface.GUIComboBox

Property Value
bReadOnly True
bVisible True
Hint "Show how the model looks using the selected skin."
OnChange InternalOnChange
TabOrder 0
WinHeight 0.03
WinLeft 0.053531
WinTop 0.11147
WinWidth 0.346258


Class: XInterface.moComboBox

Property Value
bAutoSizeCaption True
bReadOnly True
Caption "Voice Type"
CaptionWidth 0.5
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Choose how your character's voice will sound in the game."
IniOption "@Internal"
OnLoadINI InternalOnLoadINI
TabOrder 4
WinLeft 0.301757
WinTop 0.212761
WinWidth 0.372266