UE2:Tab_WeaponPref defaults (UT2004)

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Tab_WeaponPref defaults in other games:

Default values



Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
Caption "Switch On Pickup"
CaptionWidth 0.8
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Automatically change weapons when you pick up a better one."
OnChange InternalOnChange
WinHeight 0.06
WinLeft 0.028
WinTop 0.939062
WinWidth 0.3


Class: XInterface.GUIImage

Property Value
Image Material'InterfaceContent.Menu.BorderBoxD'
Member Value
A 160
B 255
G 255
R 255
ImageStyle ISTY_Stretched
WinHeight 0.55227
WinLeft 0.450391
WinTop 0.085365
WinWidth 0.533749


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
Caption "Defaults"
Hint "Set the weapon priorities back to default"
OnClick WeapDefaults
WinHeight 0.05
WinLeft 0.23125
WinTop 0.8
WinWidth 0.19


Class: XInterface.GUIScrollTextBox

Property Value
bAcceptsInput False
bNeverFocus True
CharDelay 0.0015
EOLDelay 0.25
WinHeight 0.27875
WinLeft 0.449999
WinTop 0.656667
WinWidth 0.532501


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
Caption "Lower Priority"
Hint "Decrease the priority this weapon will have when picking your best weapon."
OnClick WeapDown
OnClickSound CS_Down
WinHeight 0.05
WinLeft 0.022
WinTop 0.87
WinWidth 0.19


Class: XInterface.GUIListBox

Property Value
bVisibleWhenEmpty True
Hint "Select order for weapons"
OnChange InternalOnChange
StyleName "SquareButton"
WinHeight 0.696251
WinLeft 0.022
WinTop 0.083333
WinWidth 0.4


Class: XInterface.GUIButton

Property Value
Caption "Raise Priority"
Hint "Increase the priority this weapon will have when picking your best weapon."
OnClick WeapUp
OnClickSound CS_Up
WinHeight 0.05
WinLeft 0.022
WinTop 0.8
WinWidth 0.19


Class: XInterface.GUILabel

Property Value
Caption "Weapon Priority"
TextAlign TXTA_Left
Member Value
A 255
B 255
G 255
R 255
TextFont "UT2MenuFont"
WinHeight 32.0
WinLeft 0.031914
WinTop 0.015
WinWidth 0.4


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
Caption "Swap Fire Mode"
CaptionWidth 0.8
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Check this box to swap the firing mode on the selected weapon."
OnChange InternalOnChange
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.551437
WinTop 0.970312
WinWidth 0.26875