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UE1:FlameExplosion (UT)

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UT Object >> Actor >> Effects >> AnimSpriteEffect >> FlameExplosion
This class in other games:

An explosion effect used for the FlakShell from Unreal (the UT version of the flak shell, Flakslug, uses UT_FlameExplosion instead), the MortarShells spawned on e.g. AS-Overlord and as effect for entering a LavaZone.

Default values

Property Value
bCorona False
DrawScale 2.8
DrawType DT_SpriteAnimOnce
EffectSound1 Sound'UnrealShare.General.Expl04'
LifeSpan 0.5
LightBrightness 159
LightEffect LE_NonIncidence
LightHue 32
LightRadius 8
LightSaturation 79
LightType LT_TexturePaletteOnce
NumFrames 8
Pause 0.05
RemoteRole ROLE_SimulatedProxy
Skin Texture'UnrealShare.Effects.ExplosionPal2'
Style STY_Translucent
Texture Texture'UnrealShare.FlameEffect.e_a01'




simulated event PostBeginPlay ()

Overrides: Actor.PostBeginPlay

Reduces the DrawScale to 1.4 at lower detail settings, otherwise spawns a ShortSmokeGen that will generate some smoke at the explosion location. Also plays an explosion sound effect.

Other instance functions


function MakeSound ()

Plays the explosion sound.