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Unreal Wiki:Scratchpad
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class TestPawn extends Pawn; var DynamicLightEnvironmentComponent LightEnvironment; defaultproperties { WalkingPct=+0.4 CrouchedPct=+0.4 BaseEyeHeight=38.0 EyeHeight=38.0 GroundSpeed=440.0 AirSpeed=440.0 WaterSpeed=220.0 AccelRate=2048.0 JumpZ=322.0 CrouchHeight=29.0 CrouchRadius=21.0 WalkableFloorZ=0.78 //Components.Remove(Sprite) Begin Object Class=DynamicLightEnvironmentComponent Name=MyLightEnvironment bSynthesizeSHLight=TRUE bIsCharacterLightEnvironment=TRUE bUseBooleanEnvironmentShadowing=FALSE End Object Components.Add(MyLightEnvironment) LightEnvironment=MyLightEnvironment Begin Object Class=SkeletalMeshComponent Name=WPawnSkeletalMeshComponent //Your Mesh Properties SkeletalMesh=SkeletalMesh'CH_LIAM_Cathode.Mesh.SK_CH_LIAM_Cathode' AnimTreeTemplate=AnimTree'CH_AnimHuman_Tree.AT_CH_Human' PhysicsAsset=PhysicsAsset'CH_AnimCorrupt.Mesh.SK_CH_Corrupt_Male_Physics' AnimSets(0)=AnimSet'CH_AnimHuman.Anims.K_AnimHuman_BaseMale' Translation=(Z=8.0) Scale=1.075 //General Mesh Properties bCacheAnimSequenceNodes=FALSE AlwaysLoadOnClient=true AlwaysLoadOnServer=true bOwnerNoSee=false CastShadow=true BlockRigidBody=TRUE bUpdateSkelWhenNotRendered=false bIgnoreControllersWhenNotRendered=TRUE bUpdateKinematicBonesFromAnimation=true bCastDynamicShadow=true RBChannel=RBCC_Untitled3 RBCollideWithChannels=(Untitled3=true) LightEnvironment=MyLightEnvironment bOverrideAttachmentOwnerVisibility=true bAcceptsDynamicDecals=FALSE bHasPhysicsAssetInstance=true TickGroup=TG_PreAsyncWork MinDistFactorForKinematicUpdate=0.2 bChartDistanceFactor=true RBDominanceGroup=20 //MotionBlurScale=0.0 bUseOnePassLightingOnTranslucency=TRUE bPerBoneMotionBlur=true End Object Mesh=WPawnSkeletalMeshComponent Components.Add(WPawnSkeletalMeshComponent) Begin Object Name=CollisionCylinder CollisionRadius=+0021.000000 CollisionHeight=+0044.000000 End Object CylinderComponent=CollisionCylinder }
class TestPlayerController extends PlayerController; simulated function PostBeginPlay() { Super.PostBeginPlay(); } exec function StartFire( optional byte FireModeNum ) { local Vector Vec; `log("StartFire" @ FireModeNum); Vec.X = Location.X - 5.0; Vec.Y = Location.Y; Vec.Z = Location.Z; SetLocation(Vec); // Doesn't do anything ShowTargetInfo(); } exec function StopFire( optional byte FireModeNum ) { `log("StopFire" @ FireModeNum); } function DrawHUD(HUD H) { local float CrosshairSize; super.DrawHUD(H); H.Canvas.SetDrawColor(0,255,0,255); CrosshairSize = 12; H.Canvas.SetPos(H.CenterX - CrosshairSize, H.CenterY); H.Canvas.DrawRect(2 * CrosshairSize + 1, 1); H.Canvas.SetPos(H.CenterX, H.CenterY - CrosshairSize); H.Canvas.DrawRect(1, 2 * CrosshairSize + 1); } function ShowTargetInfo() { local vector loc, norm, end; local TraceHitInfo hitInfo; local Actor traceHit; end = Location + normal(vector(Rotation)) * 32768; // trace to "infinity" traceHit = trace(loc, norm, end, Location, true,, hitInfo); ClientMessage(""); if (traceHit == none) { ClientMessage("Nothing found, try again."); return; } // Play a sound to confirm the information ClientPlaySound(SoundCue'A_Vehicle_Cicada.SoundCues.A_Vehicle_Cicada_TargetLock'); // By default only 4 console messages are shown at the time ClientMessage("Hit: "$traceHit$" class: "$$"."$traceHit.class); ClientMessage("Location: "$loc.X$","$loc.Y$","$loc.Z); ClientMessage("Material: "$hitInfo.Material$" PhysMaterial: "$hitInfo.PhysMaterial); ClientMessage("Component: "$hitInfo.HitComponent); } defaultproperties { }
class TestGame extends GameInfo; event InitGame(string Options, out string ErrorMessage) { //local Pawn p; //p = Spawn(class'Pawn'); } event PlayerController Login(string Portal, string Options, const UniqueNetID UniqueID, out string ErrorMessage) { local PlayerController PC; PC = super.Login(Portal, Options, UniqueID, ErrorMessage); ChangeName(PC, "EXetoC", True); return PC; } event PostLogin(PlayerController NewPlayer) { super.PostLogin(NewPlayer); NewPlayer.ClientMessage("Welcome to the grid " $ NewPlayer.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName); NewPlayer.ClientMessage("Point at an object and press the left mouse button to retrieve the target's information"); } defaultproperties { PlayerControllerClass=class'Test.TestPlayerController' DefaultPawnClass=class'Test.TestPawn' HUDType=class'Test.TestHUD' bDelayedStart=False }
class TestHUD extends HUD; function DrawHUD() { local string ScoreString; local float XL, YL; super.DrawHUD(); Canvas.SetDrawColor(190, 20, 20); ScoreString = "TEST1"; Canvas.StrLen(ScoreString, XL, YL); Canvas.SetPos(Canvas.SizeX / 2 - XL, Canvas.SizeY / 2 - YL); Canvas.DrawText(ScoreString); Canvas.SetPos(Canvas.SizeX / 2 - XL, Canvas.SizeY / 2 - YL + YL); Canvas.DrawText("TEST2" @ "TEST3"); } defaultproperties { }
Full Key
- 1 – {$Topic is relevant/available to/in} Unreal Engine 1.
- 2 – {$Topic is relevant/available to/in} Unreal Engine 2.
- 2+ – {$Topic is relevant/available to/in} Unreal Engine 2, from this version onwards.
- 2x – {$Topic is relevant/available to/in} Unreal Engine 2, starting with UT2004.
- 3 – {$Topic is relevant/available to/in} Unreal Engine 3.
- 3+ – {$Topic is relevant/available to/in} Unreal Engine 3, starting with UT3 patch 2.0.
- 3* – {$Topic is relevant/available to/in} Unreal Engine 3, starting with UDK.
- (no number) – {$Topic is relevant/available to/in} all Unreal Engine generations.
Enum Key
Vector(RTNP, U1, UT, U2, U2XMP, UE2Runtime, UT2003, UT2004, UDK, UT3)--|
Range(U2, U2XMP, UE2Runtime, UT2003, UT2004)--|2
Vector2D(UDK, UT3)--|3
Color(RTNP, U1, UT, U2, U2XMP, UE2Runtime, UT2003, UT2004, UDK, UT3)
LinearColor(UDK, UT3)
Class Key
Actor(RTNP, U1, UT, U2, U2XMP, UE2Runtime, UT2003, UT2004, UDK, UT3)
Rook(no matching games found)
- TribesV? SoundCue(UDK, UT3)
FluidSurfaceOscillator(U2, U2XMP, UE2Runtime, UT2003, UT2004)
Ammunition(U2XMP, UE2Runtime, UT2003, UT2004)
Util(U2, U2XMP)
xUtil(no matching games found) -UE2??
UnrealPlayer(UT2003, UT2004)
xPlayer(no matching games found) -UE2??
UTPlayerController(UDK, UT3)
WeaponFire(UT2003, UT2004)
Keyword Key
Expands(no matching games found)
Extends(no matching games found)
server(no matching games found)
replicated(no matching games found)
intrinsic(no matching games found)