UE2:Tab_IForceSettings defaults (UT2003)

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Tab_IForceSettings defaults in other games:
Other member categories for this class:

Default values



Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
bVisible False
Caption "Auto Aim"
CaptionWidth 0.9
ComponentClassName "xinterface.GUICheckBoxButton"
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Enabling this option will activate computer-assisted aiming in single player games."
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.060938
WinTop 0.057396
WinWidth 0.3


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
Caption "Auto Slope"
CaptionWidth 0.9
ComponentClassName "xinterface.GUICheckBoxButton"
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "When enabled, your view will automatically pitch up/down when on a slope."
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.060937
WinTop 0.175989
WinWidth 0.3


Class: XInterface.GUIImage

Property Value
Image Material'InterfaceContent.Menu.BorderBoxD'
Member Value
A 160
B 255
G 255
R 255
ImageRenderStyle MSTY_Alpha
ImageStyle ISTY_Stretched
WinHeight 0.636485
WinLeft 0.021641
WinTop 0.10651
WinWidth 0.381328


Class: XInterface.GUIImage

Property Value
Image Material'InterfaceContent.Menu.BorderBoxD'
Member Value
A 160
B 255
G 255
R 255
ImageRenderStyle MSTY_Alpha
ImageStyle ISTY_Stretched
WinHeight 0.240977
WinLeft 0.021641
WinTop 0.76
WinWidth 0.9575


Class: XInterface.moFloatEdit

Property Value
Caption "Dodge Double-Click Time"
CaptionWidth 0.725
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Determines how fast you have to double click to dodge"
MaxValue 1.0
MinValue 0.0
Step 0.05
WinLeft 0.472266
WinTop 0.582083
WinWidth 0.421875


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
Caption "Damage Effects"
CaptionWidth 0.9
ComponentClassName "xinterface.GUICheckBoxButton"
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Turn this option On/Off to feel the damage you take."
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.563867
WinTop 0.852
WinWidth 0.3


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
Caption "GUI Effects"
CaptionWidth 0.9
ComponentClassName "xinterface.GUICheckBoxButton"
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Turn this option On/Off to feel the GUI."
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.563867
WinTop 0.933
WinWidth 0.3


Class: XInterface.GUILabel

Property Value
Caption "TouchSense Force Feedback"
TextAlign TXTA_Center
Member Value
A 255
B 255
G 255
R 255
WinHeight 32.0
WinLeft 0.023437
WinTop 0.777
WinWidth 0.95625


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
Caption "Pickup Effects"
CaptionWidth 0.9
ComponentClassName "xinterface.GUICheckBoxButton"
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Turn this option On/Off to feel the items you pick up."
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.1
WinTop 0.933
WinWidth 0.3


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
Caption "Weapon Effects"
CaptionWidth 0.9
ComponentClassName "xinterface.GUICheckBoxButton"
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Turn this option On/Off to feel the weapons you fire."
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.1
WinTop 0.852
WinWidth 0.3


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
Caption "Invert Mouse"
CaptionWidth 0.9
ComponentClassName "xinterface.GUICheckBoxButton"
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "When enabled, the Y axis of your mouse will be inverted."
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.060938
WinTop 0.321927
WinWidth 0.3


Class: XInterface.moFloatEdit

Property Value
Caption "Mouse Sensitivity (Menus)"
CaptionWidth 0.725
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Adjust mouse speed within the menus"
MaxValue 6.0
MinValue 1.0
Step 0.25
WinLeft 0.472266
WinTop 0.188698
WinWidth 0.421875


Class: XInterface.moFloatEdit

Property Value
Caption "Mouse Accel. Threshold"
CaptionWidth 0.725
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Adjust to determine the amount of movement needed before acceleration is applied"
MaxValue 100.0
MinValue 0.0
Step 5.0
WinLeft 0.472266
WinTop 0.405
WinWidth 0.421875


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
Caption "Reduce Mouse Lag"
CaptionWidth 0.9
ComponentClassName "xinterface.GUICheckBoxButton"
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Enable this option will reduce the amount of lag in your mouse."
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.060938
WinTop 0.509791
WinWidth 0.3


Class: XInterface.moFloatEdit

Property Value
Caption "Mouse Sensitivity (In Game)"
CaptionWidth 0.725
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Adjust mouse sensitivity"
MaxValue 25.0
MinValue 1.0
Step 0.25
WinLeft 0.472266
WinTop 0.105365
WinWidth 0.421875


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
Caption "Mouse Smoothing"
CaptionWidth 0.9
ComponentClassName "xinterface.GUICheckBoxButton"
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Enable this option to automatically smooth out movements in your mouse."
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.060938
WinTop 0.416041
WinWidth 0.3


Class: XInterface.moFloatEdit

Property Value
Caption "Mouse Smoothing Strength"
CaptionWidth 0.725
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Adjust the amount of smoothing that is applyed to mouse movements"
MaxValue 1.0
MinValue 0.0
Step 0.05
WinLeft 0.472266
WinTop 0.324167
WinWidth 0.421875


Class: XInterface.GUILabel

Property Value
bVisible False
Caption "Mouse Sensitivity (In Game)"
TextAlign TXTA_Center
Member Value
A 255
B 255
G 255
R 255
WinHeight 32.0
WinLeft 0.543945
WinTop 0.126042
WinWidth 0.332422


Class: XInterface.GUILabel

Property Value
bVisible False
Caption "Mouse Sensitivity (Menus)"
TextAlign TXTA_Center
Member Value
A 255
B 255
G 255
R 255
WinHeight 32.0
WinLeft 0.548828
WinTop 0.327865
WinWidth 0.308594


Class: XInterface.moCheckBox

Property Value
bSquare True
Caption "Enable Joystick"
CaptionWidth 0.9
ComponentClassName "xinterface.GUICheckBoxButton"
ComponentJustification TXTA_Left
Hint "Enable this option to enable joystick support."
WinHeight 0.04
WinLeft 0.060938
WinTop 0.651302
WinWidth 0.3