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UE3:UIAction (UT3)

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UT3 Object >> SequenceObject >> SequenceOp >> SequenceAction >> UIAction
Direct subclasses:
UIAction_Scene, UIAction_ShowGamercardForServerHost, UIAction_GetLoggedInPlayerCount, UIAction_ShowAchievementsUI, UIAction_ChangeState, UIAction_GetNATType, UIAction_DataStore, UIAction_ShowFriendInviteUI, UIAction_ActivateLevelEvent, UIAction_ApplyScrolling, UIAction_ChangeVisibility, UIAction_ConsoleCommand, UIAction_CreateOnlineGame, UIAction_FindOnlineGames, UIAction_GetLastFocused, UIAction_GetListItemCount, UIAction_GetPrivilegeLevel, UIAction_GetValue, UIAction_JoinOnlineGame, UIAction_MoveListItem, UIAction_PlayUISoundCue, UIAction_RefreshStats, UIAction_SaveProfileSettings, UIAction_SetControllerId, UIAction_SetFocus, UIAction_SetValue, UIAction_ShowContentMarketplaceUI, UIAction_ShowDeviceSelectionUI, UIAction_ShowFeedbackUI, UIAction_ShowFriendsUI, UIAction_ShowGamerCardUI, UIAction_ShowKeyboardUI, UIAction_ShowLoginUI, UIAction_ShowMembershipMarketplaceUI, UIAction_ShowMessagesUI, UIAction_ShowPlayersUI, UIAction_TabControl
This class in other games:

Abstract base class for UI actions. Actions perform tasks for widgets, in response to some external event. Actions are created by programmers and are bound to widget events by designers using the UI editor.

Copyright 1998-2007 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Property group 'UIAction'


Type: bool

Controls whether this action is automatically executed on the owning widget. If true, this action will add the owning widget to the Targets array when it's activated, provided the Targets array is empty.

Internal variables


Type: int

Modifiers: transient, noimport

The ControllerId of the LocalPlayer corresponding to the 'PlayerIndex' element of the Engine.GamePlayers array.

Default values

Property Value
ObjCategory "UI"
ObjClassVersion 4
Member Value
bHidden True
bWriteable True
ExpectedType Class'Engine.SeqVar_Int'
LinkDesc "Player Index"
MaxVars 255
MinVars 1
Member Value
bHidden True
bWriteable True
ExpectedType Class'Engine.SeqVar_Int'
LinkDesc "Gamepad Id"
MaxVars 255
MinVars 1
PropertyName 'GamepadID'


Native functions


native final function UIScreenObject GetOwner () const

Returns the widget that contains this UIAction.


native final function UIScene GetOwnerScene () const

Returns the scene that contains this UIAction.



event bool IsValidLevelSequenceObject ()

Overrides: SequenceObject.IsValidLevelSequenceObject

Determines whether this class should be displayed in the list of available ops in the level kismet editor.


TRUE if this sequence object should be available for use in the level kismet editor


event bool IsValidUISequenceObject (optional UIScreenObject TargetObject)

Overrides: SequenceObject.IsValidUISequenceObject

Determines whether this class should be displayed in the list of available ops in the UI's kismet editor.


  • TargetObject - the widget that this SequenceObject would be attached to.


TRUE if this sequence object should be available for use in the UI kismet editor