UE2:ONSPowerCore internal variables (UT2004)

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UT2004 Object >> Actor >> NavigationPoint >> JumpDest >> JumpSpot >> GameObjective >> DestroyableObjective >> ONSPowerCore (internal variables)

;Other member categories for this class::

Internal variables


Type: array<Material>

Skins for when the core/node is active and owned by the blue team.

Default value, index 0: Material'ONSstructureTextures.CoreGroup.COREDiffTEX'

Default value, index 1: Material'ONSstructureTextures.CoreGroup.CoreLightShader'


Type: array<Material>

Skins for when the core/node is being built by the blue team.

Default value, index 0: FinalBlend'ONSstructureTextures.CoreConstructionBlue'

Default value, index 1: FinalBlend'ONSstructureTextures.CoreGroup.InvisibleFinal'


Type: bool

Whether the core or node was previously under attack.


Type: bool

Whether the blue team built a link chain from their core to this node.


Type: bool

Whether the red team built a link chain from their core to this node.


Type: bool

Whether the node has a link chain to its owning team's core. Nodes owned by a team, but not linked to that teams power core will take damage while they are isolated.


Type: bool

Modifiers: globalconfig

Whether to show sky beams above nodes that can be attacked by the enemy team.

Default value: True


Type: bool

Whether this node or core is currently under attack by the enemy team.


Type: array<Actor>

A list of actors specifically associated with this node or core. Only contains actors of type PlayerStart, ONSVehicleFactory, ONSStationaryWeaponPawn and xTeamBanner. Clientsidely only team banners are in this list.


Type: string

Array size: 2

This event is triggered when the node has been successfully constructed.

Default value, index 0: "red_powercore_constructed"

Default value, index 1: "blue_powercore_constructed"


Type: float

How much time it took to construct the node. This value isn't actually used anywhere in the code, except that it is set to zero at the start of the construction process and updated until the node is either built or destroyed.


Type: Controller

The player who initially started construction by touching the node.


Type: byte

The current status of the power core or node.

0 - active
This node can unlock neutral or enemy nodes for attack or capture by the owning team
1 - destroyed
This node or core was just destroyed. Power nodes will switch to the neutral stage after a short delay. A destroyed power core obviously ends the round.
2 - constructing
This node is currently being constructed. It is owned by the constructing team, but does not power any of its associated actors or linked nodes yet.
4 - neutral
The node is not owned by any team.
5 - taken
Temporary stage right after a player touched an available neutral node. The node will switch to the constructing stage after a short delay.
250 - invalid
An impossible CoreStage values used only in the LastCoreStage variable to be different from any initial core stage.
255 - disabled
This node is currently disabled because it is not linked to any other cores or nodes. Disabled nodes do not show up in the level or on the radar map, except for the link designer.


Type: string

Array size: 4

This event is triggered when the core or node is destroyed. As the default values suggest, index 0 and 1 apply to active nodes or cores, while index 2 and 3 apply to constructing power nodes.

Default value, index 0: "red_powercore_destroyed"

Default value, index 1: "blue_powercore_destroyed"

Default value, index 2: "red_constructing_powercore_destroyed"

Default value, index 3: "blue_constructing_powercore_destroyed"


Type: int

Message switch for ONSOnslaughtMessage when the core or node is destroyed. The team index is added to this number to get the actual message switch.

Default value: 14


Type: Emitter


Type: byte

Array size: 2

The link distance to the power cores of both teams. This is used to determine the best power node to spawn from if the player didn't select any specific node.

Default value, index 0: 255

Default value, index 1: 255


Type: float

The last time when someone healed this node.


Type: float

The last time an attack on this node or core was announced. Audio announcements for attacks on the same node or core are only played every 10 seconds.


Type: Pawn

The player who last damaged this node or core. Used by the AI.


Type: float

How long to consider the node or core as "under attack". Players may not respawn at nodes under attack.

Default value: 5.0


Type: float

The last time the attack message was sent. The message is sent only once every second for attacks on the same node or core.


Type: float

The last time someone damaged this node or core.


Type: byte

The previous CoreStage. Used only in PostNetReceive() to detect clientside core stage changes.

Default value: 250


Type: PlayerReplicationInfo

The last player who damaged this node.


Type: byte

Last value of DefenderTeamIndex. Used only in PostNetReceive() to detect team changes clientsidely.

Default value: 2


Type: Controller

Last player who healed this power node.


Type: array<name>

The names of power nodes or cores this node or core is linked to in the power link setup.


Type: ONSPowerCore

Next item in the circular linked list of all power nodes and cores.


Type: Emitter

The sky beam effect emitter.


Type: ONSNodeHealEffect

The node heal effect emitter.


Type: int

This power node's unique number in the level.


Type: array<ONSPowerCore>

Power nodes and cores this node or core is linked to via the power link setup.


Type: array<Material>

Skins for when the core/node is active and owned by the red team.

Default value, index 0: Material'ONSstructureTextures.CoreGroup.COREDiffTEX'

Default value, index 1: Material'ONSstructureTextures.CoreGroup.CoreLightShader'


Type: array<Material>

Skins for when the core/node is being built by the red team.

Default value, index 0: FinalBlend'ONSstructureTextures.CoreConstructionRed'

Default value, index 1: FinalBlend'ONSstructureTextures.CoreGroup.InvisibleFinal'


Type: ONSFreeRoamingEnergyEffect

The emitter effect on available neutral nodes.


Type: float

How much damage the node takes when it is active, but no longer directly connected to the owning team's power core.

Default value: 30.0


Type: ONSPowerCoreShield

The shield around nodes or cores not attackable by the enemy team.


Type: class<ONSPowerCoreShield>

The shield class to use for this node or core.

Default value: Class'Onslaught.ONSPowerCoreShield'


Type: Object.Vector

Where the shield should be placed in relation to the node or core location


Type: array<ONSTeleportPad>

Teleporter pads associated with this power node or core.


Type: Triggers

A trigger actor at the power core that allows teleporting to other nodes. Power nodes don't use this because players can stand on the node to teleport.