I love the smell of UnrealEd crashing in the morning. – tarquin

UE2:Actor (UT2004)

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UT2004 Object >> Actor
Direct subclasses:
Decal, InventoryAttachment, ASCinematic_Camera, ASTurret_Base, AimedAttachment, AnimBrowserMesh, AntiPortalActor, Brush, Controller, XMaterialController, CrateActor, DamageType, DecoVolumeObject, Decoration, DestroyableTrigger, Effects, Emitter, FX_BallTurret_Shield, FX_LinkTurretShield, FX_SpaceFighter_Shield, FX_Turret_IonCannon_BeamFire, FX_Turret_IonCannon_FireEffect, FluidSurfaceOscillator, VehiclePart, Gib, HudOverlay, Hud, Info, Inventory, IonCannon, IonEffect, KActor, KRepulsor, Keypoint, Light, ONSMortarTargetBeam, MatDemoActor, ProjectileSpawner, MeshEffect, Mover, NavigationPoint, NetworkTrigger, Note, ONSAutoBomber, ONSHUDOverlay, ONSIncomingShellSound, ONSPowerCoreEnergy, ONSPowerCoreShield, ONSPowerLinkOfficialSetup, ONSPowerNodeEnergySphere, ONSShockTankShield, ONSTeleportPad, ONSWeapon, ObjectivePointingArrow, Pawn, Pickup, PrecacheHack, Projectile, Projector, SVehicleFactory, ShieldEffect, ShockCombo, SpinnyWeap, StaticMeshActor, TankVictim, Triggers, UtvReplication, VMeshActor, Vignette, XEmitter, XMaterialTrigger, XMutatorList, XPickUpBase, XProcMesh, XWeatherEffect, Actor_Class_Hierarchy
Known custom subclasses:
Round_Robin, PawnFactory, IncrementalTrigger, Crusha/UltimateMappingTools, Wormbo/OnslaughtSpecials, Wormbo/NetworkProjectileSpawner, Crusha/DynamicWeather, Crusha/DynamicWeather/DWParents, Crusha/DynamicWeather/DWAmbientMonster, Crusha/DynamicWeather/DWRealRain, Crusha/DynamicWeather/DWTwister, Jrubzjeknf/TeamSpecificActors, Jrubzjeknf/TeamSpecificActors/TeamSpecificColorChanger
This class in other games:
RTNP, U1, UT, UE2Runtime, UT2003, U2, U2XMP, UT3, UDK

The base class of all actors. Actor is the base class of all gameplay objects. A large number of properties, behaviors and interfaces are implemented in Actor, including:

  • Display
  • Animation
  • Physics and world interaction
  • Making sounds
  • Networking properties
  • Actor creation and destruction
  • Triggering and timers
  • Actor iterator functions
  • Message broadcasting

This is a built-in Unreal class and it shouldn't be modified.



Value: 35.0

Maximum step height walkable by pawns


Value: 0.7

The lowest possible Z value of a surface normal vector that can still be walked on. This value roughly corresponds to an inclination angle of 45°.


See Actor properties.


See Actor enums.



pointer Ptr 


name AnimSequence 
bool bAnimLoop 
byte AnimRate 
note that with compression, max replicated animrate is 4.0
byte AnimFrame 
byte TweenRate 
note that with compression, max replicated tweentime is 4 seconds


int BatchIndex 
int ElementIndex 


class<Ammunition> AmmoClass 
class<Projectile> ProjectileClass 
float WarnTargetPct 
float MaxRange 
bool bTossed 
bool bTrySplash 
bool bLeadTarget 
bool bInstantHit 
bool bInitialized 




KRBVec Position 
Object.Quat Quaternion 
KRBVec LinVel 
KRBVec AngVel 


float GammaPerSec 
Relaxation constant. Making it larger pushes things apart harder when they penetrate.
float Epsilon 
Global constraint compliance. Making it larger makes contacts/joints softer.
float PenetrationOffset 
Resting penetration. Making this larger can reduce jiggling.
float PenetrationScale 
Artificially increase penetration - makes contacts 'stiffer'
float ContactSoftness 
Softness of just contact constraints.
float MaxPenetration 
Maximum penetration allowed.
float MaxTimestep 
Maximum timestep ever used to advance rigid body simulation.


pointer Ptr 


ZoneInfo Zone 
int iLeaf 
Bsp leaf.
byte ZoneNumber 
Zone number.


pointer Ptr 


pointer Ptr 


Static native functions[edit]


native static final function GetAllInt (string MetaClass, array<stringEntries)

Returns all classes for a specific meta class as defined in the Object list of the [Public] section of all localization files.


native static final function GetAllIntDesc (string MetaClass, out array<stringEntry, out array<stringDescription)

Returns all classes and their corresponding descriptions for a specific meta class as defined in the Object list of the [Public] section of all localization files.


native final static function bool ShouldBeHidden ()

Returns whether this class was declared with the HideDropDown class modifier.

Other static functions[edit]


static function Crash ()

Intentionally crashes the game through a failed assertion.


static function string GetLocalString (optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2)

For use with LocalMessages, returns a localized string representation of this Actor class.

Iterator functions[edit]


native(304) final iterator function AllActors (class<ActorBaseClass, out Actor Actor, optional name MatchTag)

Iterates over all actors in the level. Returned actors can be restricted to subclasses of a certain class and to a specific value of the Tag property. This is quite slow since it goes over the entire list, regardless of restriction parameters.


native(306) final iterator function BasedActors (class<ActorBaseClass, out Actor Actor)

Iterates over the actors attached to the actor this is called on. Returned actors can only be restricted to subclasses of a certain class. This iterator is very efficient since it only iterates the Attached array.


native(305) final iterator function ChildActors (class<ActorBaseClass, out Actor Actor)

Iterates over all actors directly or indirectly owned by the actor this is called on. Returned actors can only be restricted to subclasses of a certain class. Like AllActors this is a slow iterator since it goes over the entire list of actors in the level.


native(321) final iterator function CollidingActors (class<ActorBaseClass, out Actor Actor, float Radius, optional Object.Vector Loc)

Iterates over colliding actors within a specified radius around a certain location. If the location isn't specified, the location of the actor this is called on will be used. Since this iterator uses the "collision hash", it is reasonably fast for smaller radii. Performance may decrease for larger radii, though.


native(313) final iterator function DynamicActors (class<ActorBaseClass, out Actor Actor, optional name MatchTag)

Iterates over all actors with bStatic set to False. Returned actors can be restricted to subclasses of a certain class and to a specific value of the Tag property. Like AllActorsthis iterator goes over the list of actors in the level, but that list is sorted so static actors come first, allowing DynamicActors' to start directly at the first non-static actor. Note that this optimization is only available after map startup is complete, before that DynamicActors works just like AllActors, possibly returning static actors as well.


native(310) final iterator function RadiusActors (class<ActorBaseClass, out Actor Actor, float Radius, optional Object.Vector Loc)

Iterates over all actors within a specified radius around a certain location. If the location isn't specified, the location of the actor this is called on will be used. This iterator uses the level actor list and thus is slow like AllActors.


native(307) final iterator function TouchingActors (class<ActorBaseClass, out Actor Actor)

Iterates over the actors touching the actor this is called on. Returned actors can only be restricted to subclasses of a certain class. This iterator is very efficient since it only iterates the Touching array.


native(309) final iterator function TraceActors (class<ActorBaseClass, out Actor Actor, out Object.Vector HitLoc, out Object.Vector HitNorm, Object.Vector End, optional Object.Vector Start, optional Object.Vector Extent)

Performs a multi-hit trace similar to the Trace function (just without stopping at the first trace hit) and returns all actors intersecting the tracing line. In addition to the hit actor, the hit location and normal are returned. The result of this iterator is determined before the first actor is returned, so moving actors into or out of the trace line inside the foreach loop will not add or remove any actors to/from this list.


native(311) final iterator function VisibleActors (class<ActorBaseClass, out Actor Actor, optional float Radius, optional Object.Vector Loc)

Iterates over all non-hidden actors, optionally within a specified radius, whose center is visible from a certain location. If the location isn't specified, the location of the actor this is called on will be used. This iterator uses the level actor list and additionally performs a FastTrace on every actor not excluded by class, bHidden or radius, and thus is even slower than AllActors.


native(312) final iterator function VisibleCollidingActors (class<ActorBaseClass, out Actor Actor, float Radius, optional Object.Vector Loc, optional bool bIgnoreHidden)

Iterates over all colliding, optionally non-hidden actors within a specified radius, whose center is visible from a certain location. If the location isn't specified, the location of the actor this is called on will be used. This iterator uses the "collision hash" and additionally performs a FastTrace on every actor not excluded by class, bHidden or radius, and thus is slower than CollidingActors but can be faster than VisibleActors depending on the radius.

Latent functions[edit]


native(261) final latent function FinishAnim (optional int Channel)

Returns when the animation in the specified channel has finished.


native(301) final latent function FinishInterpolation ()

Returns when the actor finished interpolating.


native(256) final latent function Sleep (float Seconds)

Returns after the specified amount of game time has passed.

Native functions[edit]

See Actor native functions.


See Actor events.

Other instance functions[edit]

See Actor instance functions.


color * float[edit]

native(552) static final operator(16) Object.Color * (Object.Color A, float B)

Multiplies the R, G and B components of the color with the float value and returns the result. The A component of the color remains unchanged.

float * color[edit]

native(550) static final operator(16) Object.Color * (float A, Object.Color B)

Same as the color * float operator.

color + color[edit]

native(551) static final operator(20) Object.Color + (Object.Color A, Object.Color B)

Adds the R, G and B components of the two colors and returns the result, using the A component of the first operand as result alpha.

color - color[edit]

native(549) static final operator(20) Object.Color - (Object.Color A, Object.Color B)

Subtracts the R, G and B components of the second operand form those of the first operand and returns the result, using the A component of the first operand as result alpha.