Cogito, ergo sum

Unreal Wiki:Scratchpad

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
Revision as of 04:20, 14 January 2009 by OlympusMons (Talk | contribs)

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This page is for pasting code you want to show someone as an example or to get assistance with. This allows you to easily collaborate with someone to solve a problem, and allows easy comparisons of the edits.

You are free to remove any existing code from below, and paste your code between the <uscript> </uscript> tags. If the page hasn't been edited in the last few hours (the last edit timestamp is 2009-01-14 04:20:26), you can assume it isn't needed anymore and can be removed. A full edit history will be available, so don't worry about losing anything you removed.

Clean up after you're done!


+- child
+- child
\- child
   \- grandchild
      \- ggchild
         +- gggchild
         +- gggchild
         \- links don't work :(
            \- IThinkLinksDoWOrk

==UT3 Object CLasstRee

===UT2004 Actor CLassTree

+- AimedAttachment
+- Brush
|  \- Volume
+- Controller
|  +- AIController
|  |  \- ScriptedController
|  |     \- Bot
|  |        \- xBot
|  \- PlayerController
|     +- Camera
|     +- MessagingSpectator
|     |  +- DemoRecSpectator
|     |  \- UTServerAdminSpectator
|     \- UnrealPlayer
|        +- CinematicPlayer
|        \- xPlayer
+- DamageType >>
+- Effects
+- Emitter
|  \- NetworkEmitter
+- Gib
+- HUD >>
+- Info
|  +- Combo
|  +- FluidSurfaceInfo
|  +- GameInfo
|  |  +- CinematicGame
|  |  \- UnrealMPGameInfo
|  |     \- DeathMatch
|  |        \- TeamGame
|  |           +- CTFGame
|  |           |  \- xCTFGame
|  |           +- xBombingRun
|  |           +- xDoubleDom
|  |           +- xTeamGame
|  |           |  +- ASGameInfo
|  |           |  +- Invasion
|  |           |  \- ONSOnslaughtGame
|  |           \- xDeathMatch
|  |              \- BossDM
|  \- Mutator
+- Inventory
|  +- [UE2:Ammunition_(UT2004)|Ammunition]]
|  |  +- BallAmmo
|  |  +- BioAmmo
|  |  +- FlakAmmo
|  |  +- GrenadeAmmo
|  |  +- LinkAmmo
|  |  +- MinigunAmmo
|  |  +- RedeemerAmmo
|  |  +- RocketAmmo
|  |  +- ShieldAmmo
|  |  +- ShockAmmo
|  |  +- SuperShockAmmo
|  |  +- SniperAmmo
|  |  \- TransAmmo
|  +- KeyInventory
|  +- Powerups
|  |  \- Armor
|  \- Weapon
|     +- AssaultRifle
|     +- BallLauncher
|     +- BioRifle
|     +- FlakCannon
|     +- LinkGun
|     +- Minigun
|     +- Painter
|     +- Redeemer
|     +- RocketLauncher
|     +- ShieldGun
|     +- ShockRifle
|     |  \- SuperShockRifle
|     |     \- ZoomSuperShockRifle
|     +- SniperRifle
|     \- TransLauncher
+- InventoryAttachment
|  \- WeaponAttachment
+- KActor
|  +- KConstraint
|  |  +- KBSJoint
|  |  +- KCarWheelJoint
|  |  +- KConeLimit
|  |  \- KHinge
|  \- KTire
|     \- BulldogTire
+- Keypoint
|  \- AIScript
|     \- ScriptedSequence
|        +- ScriptedTrigger
|        \- UnrealScriptedSequence
+- AmbientSound
+- Light >>
+- MeshEffect
+- NavigationPoint >>
+- NetworkTrigger
\- Pawn
   +- RedeemerWarhead
   +- Scout
   \- UnrealPawn
      +- xIntroPawn
      +- xPawn
      |  \- Monster
      \- Vehicle
         \- ASVehicle
            +- ASTurret
            |  +- ASTurret_BallTurret
            |  +- ASTurret_IonCannon
            |  +- ASTurret_LinkTurret
            |  \- ASTurret_Minigun
            \- ASVehicle_Sentinel
               \- ASVehicle_Sentinel_Ceiling

| | +-ASVehicle_Sentinel_Floor

| +-ASVehicle_SpaceFighter | | +-ASVehicle_SpaceFighter_Human | | +-ASVehicle_SpaceFighter_Skaarj | +-KVehicle | | +-KCar | | +-Bulldog | +-ONSWeaponPawn | | +-ONSArtillerySideGunPawn | | +-ONSDualACGatlingGunPawn | | +-ONSMASSideGunPawn | | +-ONSPRVRearGunPawn | | +-ONSPRVSideGunPawn | | +-ONSStationaryWeaponPawn | | +-ONSManualGunPawn | | +-ONSTankSecondaryTurretPawn | | +-ONSTankSecondaryTurretPawn_IonPlasma | +-SVehicle | +-ONSVehicle | +-ONSChopperCraft | | +-ONSAttackCraft | | +-ONSDualAttackCraft (UT2004 Bonus Pack) | +-ONSHoverCraft

|                 |   +-ONSHoverBike
  |                 +-ONSPlaneCraft
  |                 |   +-ONSBomber
  |                 +-ONSTreadCraft
  |                 |   +-ONSHoverTank
  |                 |       +-ONSHoverTank_IonPlasma
  |                 +-ONSWheeledCraft
  |                     +-ONSArtillery (UT2004 Bonus Pack)
  |                     +-ONSGenericSD
  |                     +-ONSMobileAssaultStation
  |                     +-ONSPRV
  |                     +-ONSRV
  |                     +-ONSShockTank (UT2004 Bonus Pack)
  +- Pickup     
  |    +- Ammo
  |    |    +- UTAmmoPickup
  |    |         +- AssaultAmmoPickup
  |    |         +- BioAmmoPickup
  |    |         +- FlakAmmoPickup
  |    |         +- LinkAmmoPickup
  |    |         +- MinigunAmmoPickup
  |    |         +- RocketAmmoPickup
  |    |         +- ShockAmmoPickup
  |    |         +- SniperAmmoPickup
  |    +- ArmorPickup       
  |    +- KeyPickup
  |    +- TournamentPickup
  |    |    +- AdrenalinePickup
  |    |    +- ShieldPickup
  |    |    |    +- ShieldPack
  |    |    +- TournamentHealth
  |    |    |    +- HealthPack
  |    |    |    +- MiniHealthPack
  |    |    +- UDamagePack
  |    +- WeaponPickup   
  +- Projectile (not expanded)
  +- Projector
  |    +-DynamicProjector
  |    |   +-BulldogHeadlight
  |    +-ShadowProjector
  |    +-XScorch (not expanded)
  +- Triggers (UT2003) >>
  +- Vignette
  +- WeaponFire (UT2003) >>
  +- xEmitter
  |     +- ShockBeamEffect
  |          +- SuperShockBeamEffect
  |               +- BlueSuperShockBeam
  +- xPickUpBase
  |    +- HealthCharger
  |    +- ShieldCharger
  |    +- SuperHealthCharger
  |    +- SuperShieldCharger
  |    +- UDamageCharger
  |    +- WildcardBase
  |    +- xWeaponBase
  +- xProcMesh
  +- xWeatherEffect